The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library


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Lockpicksby key, pick, or → spell.LockpicksLockpicks are used to open locked doors and other locked containers. Locksmiths use thesedevices when the owner has lost his keys. Professionals of another sort use lockpicks for lesshonorable purposes.Higher quality picks and → probes are definitely worth their higher price. But keep cheaper ones around as wellfor the easier locks and traps. Also be sure to find a good source for buying these instruments. → Noble familiesoften aren't around to watch their manors so they lock everything up. This makes them a wonderful opportunity topractice your skill at picking locks in the privacy of someone else's house. And of course, don't neglect to checkthe contents of that chest after you pick it.Long Blade<strong>The</strong> long blade weapon discipline is the study and mastery of the → broadsword, → saber, →longsword, → claymore, → katana, and → dai−katana weapon styles. To use any style of weaponeffectively, the user must be trained, conditioned, and skilled in its use.Long Blades<strong>The</strong> → broadsword, → saber, → longsword, and → claymore are Western weapons. <strong>The</strong> → katanaand → dai−katana are Akaviri−style blades. Long blades, one−handed or two−handed, and themost common weapons here. <strong>The</strong> claymore and dai−katana are two−handed weapons, andrelatively heavy and slow; the rest are one−handed. Rank them by effectiveness as broadsword,saber, longsword, katana, claymore, and dai−katana, with broadsword least effective.Long BowA powerful but demanding weapon, the long bow is historically associated with → Altmeraristocrats and → Bosmer → hunters. <strong>The</strong> less−powerful bonemold long bow of → Morrowind istraditionally a → noble's hunting weapon, but has been adopted for wider use by many →outlander sportsmen and → mercenaries.Longsword<strong>The</strong> longsword is the standard officer's weapon in the → Legions, and a → noble's weapon in theWest. In → Morrowind, → glass, → ebony, and Daedric longswords are precious heirloomspassed down through generations of noble → warriors in a → Great House.Lord's MailSometimes called the Armor of Morihaus or the gift of → Kynareth, this is an ancient cuirass ofunsurpassable quality. It grants the wearer power to → absorb health, → resist the effects of →spells, and cure oneself of → poison when used. It is said that whenever Kynareth deigns thewearer unworthy, the Lord's Mail will be taken away and hidden for the next chosen one. It has126

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