The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library


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House StylesHouse Styles<strong>The</strong> three → Dunmer → Great Houses that have settled → Vvardenfell have distinctivearchitectures and lifestyles. Aristocratic, warlike Great House → Redoran favors a spacious,irregular, organic building style. Great House → Hlaalu, an aggressive mercantile culture, stronglyadmiring and influenced by → <strong>Imperial</strong> culture, prefers simpler, more modern, more denselypopulated settlements, while bizarre wizard towers dominate mushroom−hut villages of the GreatHouse → Telvanni sorcerer−lords. A fourth Great House style, the Velothi or → Temple style, isevident in the monumental architecture, bridges, buttresses, and grand canals of the ancientreligious center of → Vivec City.House TelvanniSee → Telvanni.House WarsCodes of behavior under House Wars of Honor are complex and subtle, and the → Morag Tongspecialize in the honorable and legal prosecution of these factional vendettas. By the immemorialcustom of → Dunmer society, a House may challenge the honor of another House in the person ofone of the House's ranking → nobles. <strong>The</strong> ranking noble of the impugned House is 'marked fordeath' −− in ancient times, actually formally marked with a black banner, but in modern times,served with a formal written public announcement. If within a year of the challenge, the markednoble still lives, the challenging House must publicly forego any further complaint or scandal onthe matter.Only a ranking challenging noble or a Morag Tong may attack the marked noble; inmodern times, Houses routinely engage Morag Tong. This custom permits Houses to war upon oneanother on a small scale without threatening public peace and rule of → law. House Wars areexpensive, dangerous, and disruptive to all Houses involved, but on the island of → Vvardenfellalone, a dozen or more Marked Challenges are being prosecuted at any time. Such violent disputesamong → Great Houses are called 'House Wars.'Hrothmund's BaneA wolf−shaped formation on → Solstheim, which is only visible from the air.Humanoid RacesElves consider themselves the only 'truly human → race,' being descended directly from the gods,and regard the Manish and Beast races as highly intelligent animals. On the other hand, <strong>Imperial</strong>scholars consider Men, Elves, and Beastmen as 'men,' on the basis that individuals of all threegroups can mate with one another. Offspring of inter−racial matings have the racial appearance ofthe mother, but may occasionally share inherited characteristics and → abilities of the father.Sloads, dragons, and other sentient races cannot mate with Men, Elves, or Beastmen, and are notconsidered 'human.' Exceptional accounts of matings between men and → daedra do not fitsmoothly into this scheme.Lit.: <strong>The</strong> Annotated Anuad (TEST I 2 : 898).106

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