The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library


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corkbulb root, fire fern, → gold kanet, → green lichen, → hackle−lo leaf, → heather, → kreshfiber, → marshmerrow, → moon sugar, → muck, red lichen, → resin, → roobrush, → saltrice, →scathecraw, → stoneflower petals, → trama root, → wickwheat, and → willow anther.Lit.: Special Flora of Tamriel (TEST I 2 : 868).VelothSee → Saints.Veloth's JudgementA mighty Daedric warhammer. <strong>The</strong> → Museum of Artifacts offers 15,000 gold for it.Vemynal<strong>The</strong> → Dwemer ruin northwest of → Dagoth Ur.Violet CoprinusViolet coprinus is a tall, slender−stemmed, light−green−capped mushroom of the → Bitter Coastregion with modest magical properties. Coprinus comes from long−stemmed toadstools whichglow blue at night.Visiting an Ashlander CampSee → Ashlanders.VivecLord Vivec the Poet is one of the three Immortal God−Kings of → Morrowind, a Pillar of theTribunal, and the patron of Artists and → Rogues.Vivec (City)VelothVivec City, named for → Vivec, a → living god of → Morrowind, is south on the road from →Pelagiad. Vivec is the largest settlement on → Vvardenfell, and one of the largest cities in the East.Built on Norvayn Bay, completely surrounded by water, the city itself is a group of nine gianttown−sized buildings called 'cantons', each a little town in itself. Each → Great House has its owncanton, and → outlanders have their own canton called the Foreign Quarter. Every canton has itsown services. On a map, it looks like a cross, with the Foreign Quarter at the top, the TempleCompound, with Vivec's Palace, the → High Fane, the → Ministry of Truth, and the → Hall ofWisdom and the → Hall of Justice, at the bottom, the Hlaalu Compound to the west, the TelvanniCompound on the east, and four cantons grouped together at the center −− Redoran Compoundnorthwest, Arena northeast, St. Delyn Canton southwest, and St. Olms Canton southeast. →<strong>Imperial</strong> guildsmen are in the Foreign Quarter. → Redorans are in Redoran Compound and →Telvanni are in Telvanni Compound. → Hlaalu are in Hlaalu Compound, but also in St. Delyn andSt. Olms Cantons. → Temple → priests, clerks, and → Ordinators are in the Hall of Wisdom and213

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