The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library


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snowy forested regions along → Solstheim's southern coastSnow Wolves<strong>The</strong> snow wolves are larger, more elusive cousins of → Solstheim's common → wolves. <strong>The</strong>yhave a thick coat that protects them from the frost and cold. You can find snow wolves in andaround the → Moesring Mountains. Legend has it they're the descendents of → Ondjage, the FellWolf that devoured Hrothmund the Red. It is said their attacks have been known to freeze humanflesh, so be careful if you encounter one!Solstheim<strong>The</strong> large island northwest of → Vvardenfell is not for the faint of heart. <strong>The</strong> weather is rough, andthe wildlife aggressive. At night, when the snow starts falling, it's hard to see more than a few feetin front of you. Either use a good light source or get indoors until morning. <strong>The</strong> island is litteredwith ice caves, barrows, and standing stones. Ancestral barrows and smuggler camps can be foundall over the island. <strong>The</strong>re are no roads, so you'll have to walk through the wilderness to getanywhere. It's always a good idea to carry some → cure disease potions while you're on Solstheim.<strong>The</strong>re are diseased → wolves and → bears out there. A lot of the animals carry → Ataxia or →Yellow Tick. And if you run into any → snow wolves or → snow bears, attack them with fire.<strong>The</strong>y have a natural → weakness to it.SolvjordA cave southeast of → Brodir Grove.SorcererThough spellcasters by vocation, sorcerers rely most on summonings and → enchantments. <strong>The</strong>yare greedy for magic scrolls, rings, armor, and weapons, and commanding undead and Daedricservants gratifies their egos. If you want to know the sorcerer's tricks and trade, talk to SmokeyMorth at Varo's Tradehouse in → Vos. It's a long trek, but few sorcerers are as friendly anddown−to−earth as Smokey."I am a sorcerer. Through my mastery of special disciplines of the College of → Conjuration, andmy private studies of the Outer Realms and their Powers and Principalities, I have learned tosummon and command their denizens to do my bidding. I do these things for coin, or to suit myown interests. I also am an → enchanter, → enchanting items for my own use and for the use ofothers. My skill with → enchantments also makes me more efficient in using enchanted items thatI collect on my research expeditions. I sell → spells, and I am a spellmaker who creates spells toyour specifications. I can also teach you in my skills, for a fee."Sotha SilSnow WolvesLord Sotha Sil the Magus is one of the three Immortal God−Kings of → Morrowind, a Pillar of theTribunal, and the patron of Artificers and Wizards. Sotha Sil was the mightiest wizard and mostwise counselor of the First Council. Companion and teacher of → Nerevar and → Vivec, Sotha Silis the Light of Knowledge and the Inspiration of Craft and Sorcery.188

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