The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library


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StalhrimStalhrim<strong>The</strong> → Skaal consider the Stalhrim to be holy. During the great war with the → Dark Elves, manyheroes fell in battle. Some could not be returned to → Skyrim, and were buried here. Greatmagicks were worked on their tombs to protect their belongings from grave robbers, and theircorpses from worse things. Energy was drawn from the land itself, and our heroes were encased intombs of ice. That ice is Stalhrim.Stealth Disciplines<strong>The</strong> nine disciplines traditionally associated with the → Thieves Guild are: → security, → sneak,→ acrobatics, → light armor, → short blade, → marksman, → mercantile, → speechcraft, and →hand to hand.Steam Centurion<strong>The</strong> steam centurion is an enchanted animated → artifact of → Dwemer creation. Constructed inthe form of an armored → warrior, they are aggressive and dangerous. → Scrap metal collectedfrom → Dwemer artifacts is rare and precious, and prized both by collectors of antiquities andstudents of metals and → enchantments.Steel<strong>Imperial</strong> steel weapons are standard issue for the elite units of the → Legions. → Nobles, →merchant−→ traders, and professional → mercenaries prefer the higher quality materials andcraftsmanship of <strong>Imperial</strong> steel. Various other weapons of exotic design (in particular, the →tantos and → katanas made in the Akaviri style) are also made of high−quality steel.StendarrStendarr, God of Justice and Mercy, is the patron of righteous might and merciful forbearance. Heis the inspiration of magistrates and rulers, the patron of the → <strong>Imperial</strong> Legions, and the comfortof the → law−abiding citizen.Stendarr's HammerA big and extremely heavy war hammer. Rumor has it the God of Justice himself wielded thishammer.Sterdecan's FarmSterdecan's Farm is north and east along the road from Dren Plantation.Stoneflower PetalsStoneflowers are dark blue and the their stems bend towards the ground when they are in bloom.<strong>The</strong> leaves look like they are folded along the stems. Stoneflower petals are collected from a small193

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