The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library


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performs his profane experiments, aided by his magic and tainted by his madness.ClothesIn → Morrowind we speak of four different levels of clothing quality: common, expensive,extravagant, and exquisite. Common clothes are cheap and serviceable. → Merchants and lessernobility wear expensive clothes. Extravagant clothes are worn by wealthy merchants and → noblesof upper rank. Only the most wealthy can afford exquisite clothes. Persons of exalted rank may noteven speak to you if you are unsuitably dressed, so if you plan to deal with the upper classes, makesure you are well−dressed. If you need to know about clothes, and you want to talk to a clothier,talk to Milie Hastien in → Balmora.ClothierClothiers make → clothes with style and distinction and sell them. <strong>The</strong>ir clients are eitherdiscerning → nobles or → merchants or → commoners with exceptional taste and financialresources. <strong>The</strong>y also buy clothes in good condition, and with a little work they can make themgood as new and resell them.Cloudcleaver<strong>The</strong> name of the axe Balmir used to slay the Terror of Wrothgar's Quagmire.Club<strong>The</strong> club is usually a crude, improvised one−handed → blunt weapon common among lesstechnologically sophisticated cultures like the → Argonians, but it also a cheap and effectivemilitia weapon used with a light → shield in → Cyrodiil and the Western provinces.Coda Flower<strong>The</strong> coda flower is the fruiting body collected from the primitive draggle−tail plant of the → BitterCoast.CollywobblesCollywobbles is a serious → common disease affecting a victim's → strength, → endurance, andmobility. Symptoms include uncontrollable shaking and chronic weariness. It may be contractedfrom the fiery → shalk.ComberryClothes<strong>The</strong> comberry is a bush that produces a bitter berry, best known as the basis of the native comberrybrandy, a rough but potent alcoholic beverage of → Morrowind. Comberry is grown in the →Ascadian Isles.51

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