The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library


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BonemealBonemealBonemeal is a finely ground powder with modest magical properties made from the bones of the→ bonewalker, an undead creature often found guarding → ancestral tombs.Pointy hats and bottlepackers all need their → ingredients. Go out, pop a skeleton apart, get the bonemeal, make aquick drake. Now, you have to be careful, because the locals don't like you out digging up their aunties.BonewalkerBonewalkers are among the distinctive ancestral revenants that guard → Dunmer burial sites, andwhich may be summoned as spirit guardians. Bonewalkers are aggressive but not very dangerous.Among the undead, they are less worrisome than their more powerful manifestation, the → GreaterBonewalker.BonewolvesFoul beasts, not of this earth. <strong>The</strong>se are creatures brought into existence by black magic. <strong>The</strong>y area mockery of the true and good → wolves that roam this land.Bookseller"I'm a bookseller. I buy and sell books. I also read books, and know the sorts of things you read inbooks. I don't mind sharing what I know about → Morrowind lore, and am happy to share a littleadvice, if you're interested. I can also suggest who to talk to if you want to know more about asubject."Boots of Blinding SpeedA wondrous pair of boots,.the name says it all.Boots of the ApostleWhen → Talos Stormcrown was a young man in → Skyrim, he went into the mountains to learnthe secrets of the Greybeards. He learned the secrets of the high peak winds −− the roar of thewinter blast, and the warm silk of the summer updrafts. When he descended from the mountains,he came riding the clouds, striding through the air in great boots he claimed were gifts of theGreybeards for his cunning craft and riddling. After Septim yielded his crown, the bootsdisappeared, and have been lost for many years. <strong>The</strong> → Museum of Artifacts offers 27,500 goldfor them.Lit.: Famed Artifacts of Tamriel (TEST I 2 : 352).Bosmer ('forest people')<strong>The</strong> Bosmer are the clanfolk of the Western → Valenwood forests. In the → Empire, they arecalled "Wood Elves," but they call themselves the Bosmer, or the 'Tree−Sap' people. <strong>The</strong>y scornpretense and formality, preferring a romantic, simple existence in harmony with the wild beauty of40

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