The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library


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−− Tanners and → Miners, → Saint Delyn the Wise −− Potters, Glassmakers, → Saint Olms theJust −− Sailors, Chandlers, Clerks, → Saint Rilms the Barefooted −− → Pilgrims, Beggars, and →Saint Seryn the Merciful −− Brewers, Bakers, Distillers.LevitateThis effect temporarily enables the target to levitate into the air. <strong>The</strong> magnitude is the → speed atwhich the subject can move through the air.LightThis effect creates a projectile of coherent light. Upon striking a target, the projectile illuminatesthe area for the duration of the effect. <strong>The</strong> light projectile does not cause any damage.Light Armor<strong>The</strong> light armor discipline is the study and mastery of leather, boiled leather, → chitin, and →glass → armor styles. To use any style of armor effectively, the wearer must be trained,conditioned, and skilled in its use.Light Armor StylesSee → Armor.Lightning ShieldThis effect creates a shield of elemental shock around the subject's entire body. <strong>The</strong> spell adds itsmagnitude to the subject's Armor Rating, and also greatly reduces damage from shock attacks.LiteracyLiteracy is fundamental to the → Empire. "If the Empire wants to keep → Morrowind, we mustteach the → Dunmer to read. And we must teach them about our common heritage."Living Gods→ Almalexia and → Vivec have always been among us −− our fathers and forefathers to manygenerations −− living and speaking gods and → ancestors, guardians and heroes. → Sotha Sil...He's the Father of Mysteries, and always kept to himself, but long ago even He used to appear nowand then. That's the difference between the → Temple and the Western faiths. We have gods whowere once mortals. <strong>The</strong>y understand what it is like to live, eat, sleep, suffer, worry... and to feardeath.LockLevitateThis effect locks a container or door. <strong>The</strong> magnitude of the effect is the lock level placed on thecontainer or door. <strong>The</strong> effect has no duration; the container or door remains locked until unlocked125

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