The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library


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CharmCharmThis effect temporarily increases the target's disposition towards the caster. When the effect ends,the target's disposition returns to its original value.ChillsChills is an extremely dangerous → common disease affecting the victim's mind and coordination.Symptoms include clumsiness and mental confusion. It may be contracted from the →bonewalker, → skeleton, → greater bonewalker, or → bonelord.ChimarvamidiumIt is the sixth volume of Marobar Sul's "Ancient Tales of the Dwemer." Most of the "AncientTales" are not truly → Dwemer in origin, but this one may be an exception. It deals with some sortof golem or centurion.ChimerChimer −− literally "the People of the North," an archaic and poetic usage −− were the Elventribes who followed the prophet → Veloth out of the southwest of Tamriel to settle in the landsnow known as → Morrowind. → Dunmer fable says that before their skin turned dark with theCurse, the Dark Elves were known as the Chimer.Lit.: <strong>The</strong> Annotated Anuad (TEST I 2 : 898). <strong>The</strong> Changed Ones (TEST I 2 : 945).ChitinChitin weapons of native → Dunmer manufacture are created from the sturdy but lightexoskeletons of local creatures. Layers of chitin are typically laminated using vegetable, → shalk,and bug resin glues to form strong but flexible weapons. <strong>The</strong> serrated edges of the originalmaterials are exploited to create especially wicked → daggers and slashing weapons.ChokeweedChokeweed is a tough shrub growing in the rocky highlands of the → West Gash.Choose a HortatorA → Hortator is chosen by consensus. Everyone has to agree. A single 'no' is a veto. First a →Great House has to choose a Hortator. <strong>The</strong>n that Hortator has to go persuade the other GreatHouses to agree to name him Hortator of their houses, too.Chronicles of Nchuleft"Chronicles of Nchuleft" is a very rare Dwarven tome. <strong>The</strong>re are probably still copies of the bookin the → Dwemer ruin of → Nchuleft. Otherwise, you could try asking → booksellers where onemight find a copy.49

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