The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library


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M.M.Maar GanMaar Gan is a small → Redoran eggmining village in the northern → Ashlands, north of →Ald'ruhn, close to → Foyada Bani−Dad, the → Ghostfence, on the plains beneath → RedMountain. Monsters have been breaking through the Ghostfence here and attacking the villagers.Fortunately, monster fighters have answered the call for volunteers to come help protect MaarGan. → Pilgrims of the → Tribunal Temple come to visit the Maar Gan Tower → shrine whereLord → Vivec outwitted the → Bad Daedra Lord Mehrunes Dagon. Tralas Rendas and SalenRavel are the Tribunal → priests at the Tower shrine. <strong>The</strong> famous Maar Gan → pilgrimage site, ison the east, surrounded by a wall and three watch towers. Maar Gan has several → priests −− twoat the Tower shrine and one at the Maar Gan Outpost. <strong>The</strong>y also have a Redoran → smith, →master−at−arms, → drillmaster, and → scout at the Outpost. <strong>The</strong> Maar Gan Outpost is on thesouthwest side, by the West Gate and the strider port. Alds Baro is the smith and ranking Redoranat the Maar Gan Outpost. Andus Tradehouse is up the steps and through the gate at the northwestend of the village. Manse Andus is the → publican of Andus Tradehouse and rents rooms and sellsfood and sundries. Miles Gloriosus, famous questing swordsman and monster−slayer, is taking hislodgings there while he hunts the → blight creatures plaguing the village. A road runs fromAld'ruhn towards → Gnisis to the northwest and Maar Gan to the north. Take the right branch atthe fork to reach Maar Gan. But it is a long and difficult road, and → outlanders may get lost. →Silt strider service goes to Ald'ruhn, Gnisis, and → Khuul. <strong>The</strong> main road south to Ald'ruhn runsfarthest west; the back road runs closer to Red Mountain.Maar Gan had a lot of trouble with blight monsters escaping through the Ghostfence and attacking the village andoutlying settlements. <strong>The</strong> Temple and House Redoran has called for volunteers to come help protect Maar Ganfrom monster attacks. Talk to the priests at the shrine if you might be willing to help. And talk to the volunteerswho are lodging at the Andus Tradehouse.MababiA Veothi tower west of → Nchuleftingth.Maba−IluA cave southeast of → Mawia.MabrigashA mabrigash is an → Ashlander witch−warrior, a renegade → wise woman who has forsaken theestablished rules of behavior for an Ashlander woman to become a master of dark magic and theweapons of war. By secret rituals the mabrigash steals a man's vital essence and makes herself apowerful → sorcerer and → warrior. <strong>The</strong> manifestation of her dark power is called a 'ghost snake'that paralyzes and drains a victim's vitality.129

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