The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library


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ChrysamereChrysamere<strong>The</strong> Paladin's Blade is an ancient → claymore with offensive capabilities surpassed only by itsown defenses. It lends the wielder → health, protects him or her from fire, and reflects any →spells cast against the wielder back to the caster. Seldom has Chrysamere been wielded by anybladesman for any length of time, for it chooses not to favor one champion.. It was in thepossession of the Legion for many years, but was stolen by a treacherous → Knight. <strong>The</strong> →Museum of Artifacts offers 30,000 gold for it.Lit.: Famed Artifacts of Tamriel (TEST I 2 : 352).Citadels<strong>The</strong> five ancient → Dwemer citadels on → Red Mountain are no longer known by their Dwemernames, but now take the names of their → Dagoth Lords: → Endusal, → Odrosal, → Vemynal, →Tureynulal, and → Dagoth Ur. See under the respective names.Clannfear<strong>The</strong> clannfear is a fierce, green, lizardlike bipedal Daedric summoning.ClaymoreHighland → Bretons were the first to use the very heavy two−handed sword called the claymore,but powerful → Redguards were quick to adopt these massive shock weapons to their heroic meleestyles. Not suitable for use by close order troops, the claymore is favored by the solitaryhero−adventurer, particularly against great beasts and otherworldly creatures.the CleansingSee → End of Times.Cleaver of St. FelmsMendel Eves carried the Cleaver of St. Felms the Bold. He was a brave and honorable → BuoyantArmiger, but he fell fighting on the northeast slopes of → Red Mountain in an → Ash Vampire lairknown as → Tureynulal.Cliff Racer<strong>The</strong> long−tailed cliff racer is an aggressive, dangerous flying creature with a large vertical sailalong its spine. → Racer plumes from the native bird−like cliff racer are used locally andthroughout the → Empire as decorations for garments and household goods.Clockwork City→ Sotha Sil's lair, as puzzling as the mind of the → Sorcerer himself. Ever−moving,ever−changing, its levers and gears responding to its master's will alone. It is here where Sotha Sil50

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