The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library


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P.P.PackratsRerlas Mon is selling them in → Mournhold's Great Bazaar. You'd be surprised how well−trainedthey are, and how much they can carry. And in a tight spot, they're pretty good for stew.Padomaic Ocean<strong>The</strong> waters of the Padomaic Ocean completely surround Tamriel. <strong>The</strong> continent of Akavir liesacross the Padomaic Ocean to the east, and the continent of Atmora lies across the → Sea ofGhosts to the north.Palace of Vivec<strong>The</strong> Palace of Vivec is the abode of the mortal form of the god−hero Lord → Vivec, theWarrior−Poet of the three deities who comprise Almsivi, the divine patrons of the → TribunalTemple. Only the most devout are admitted to the presence of Lord Vivec, and only at hisinitiation. Beneath the Palace of Vivec is the → Puzzle Canal, a place of worship and testing forquesting heroes hoping to receive Vivec's favor. Many choice treasures are guarded by Daedricservants in the Puzzle Canal's dark passages.PalansourA cave northeast of → Gnisis and southeast of → Ald Velothi.Panabanit−Nimawia Egg MineAn egg mine within the → Ghostfence.PanatA cave on the spit north of → Fort Pelagiad.Panud Egg MineAn egg mine southeast of → Khuul.ParalysisSee → Paralyze.ParalyzeThis effect renders the target unable to move. This effect has no magnitude, only duration.155

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