The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library


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force only in extremity. If you are interested in the healer's trade in → Morrowind, you should talkwith Ygfa at → Fort Pelagiad in → Pelagiad village."I am a healer. I have sworn solemn oaths in the College of → Restoration to heal the afflicted andcure the diseased. But I have also learned that preventing harm to others often requires a moreactive opposition to monsters and malefactors, so I have studied both the unarmed, → unarmored→ martial arts of the → Khajiit and the → light armored and → blunt weapon styles of the<strong>Imperial</strong> West, both for self−defense, and for disabling or killing dangerous opponents. I sell →spells, and I am a spellmaker who creates → spells to your specifications. I can also teach you inmy skills, for a fee."Healing AltarYou may pray at → <strong>Imperial</strong> cult healing altars and receive → blessings which cure common andblight → diseases, → cure poisons, and → restore attributes. Non−members pay 25 drakes. Newermembers pay 10 drakes, while higher−ranking members receive blessings free. Healing altars arefound in: → Vivec → Foreign Quarter; Wolverine Hall in → Sadrith Mora; → Fort Buckmoth; →Fort Moonmoth; → Fort Pelagiad; → Fort Darius; → Ald'ruhn → Guild of Mages, and → <strong>Imperial</strong>Chapels in → Ebonheart.HealthA creature's health is a measure of its capacity to withstand physical punishment. A creature withweak health succumbs easily to → disease or injury, while a creature with exceptional health canendure and survive deadly diseases and injuries.HeatherHeather is a low evergreen shrub of the → Ascadian Isles, known for its small, pinkish−purpleflowers with modest magical properties. It has needles like the trees in → Skyrim and → HighRock, but it grows near the ground and has pink flowers.Heavy Armor<strong>The</strong> heavy armor discipline is the study and mastery of → iron, → steel, → silver, → ebony, andDaedric → armor styles. To use any style of armor effectively, the wearer must be trained,conditioned, and skilled in its use.Heavy Armor StylesSee → Armor.HelljointHealing AltarHelljoint is a mild → common disease affecting a victim's mobility and dexterity. Symptomsinclude persistent irritation and inflammation of joints. It may be contracted from the girdle−tailed→ cliff racer.101

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