The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library


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U.U.Udyrfrykte<strong>The</strong> Udyrfrykte is a remorseless monster with a taste for human flesh. According to legend, he hasbeen sealed within his lair for centuries. <strong>The</strong> entrance is on the shore of → Lake Fjalding, but it'scovered with ice.UlarradallakuA → Daedric ruin west of → Dagoth Ur.UlummusaA cave northwest of → Pelagiad.Umbra Sword<strong>The</strong> Umbra Sword was enchanted by the ancient → witch Naenra Waerr, and its sole purpose wasthe entrapment of souls. Used in conjunction with a → soul gem, the Sword allows the wielder theopportunity to imprison an enemy's soul in the gem. Naenra was executed for her evil creation, butnot before she was able to hide the Sword. <strong>The</strong> Umbra Sword is very choosy when it comes toowners and therefore remains hidden until a worthy one is found.Lit.: Famed Artifacts of Tamriel (TEST I 2 : 352).UnarmoredUnarmored skill lets one avoid or reduce injury during combat while not wearing any → armor byevading, deflecting, or absorbing blows. Those versed in this skill are better defended wearing noarmor at all than they are when wearing armor.Undead CreaturesUndead creatures encountered on → Vvardenfell include ghosts like the → ancestor ghost,guardian ancestor, → wraith, → dwarven ghost, dwarven guardian, and dwarven wraith. A fleshyrevenant is called a → bonewalker, and includes the bonewalker and the → greater bonewalker.Fleshless revenants include → skeletons, skeleton archers, skeleton warriors, skeleton champions,and → bonelords. → Vampires, profane undead creatures, have been hunted almost to extinction.Lit.: Legions of the Dead (TEST I 2 : 480).UnderworksSee → Vivec (City).209

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