The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library


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<strong>The</strong> three Great Houses on Vvardenfell identify themselves by their traditional colors: red forRedoran, yellow for Hlaalu, and brown for Telvanni. Thus, members of House Hlaalu may bereferred to collectively as Yellows. <strong>The</strong> Red Party of Redoran preserves the ancient martialtraditions of our → ancestors, and deserves our thankful respect. <strong>The</strong> Yellow Party of Hlaaluhonors and serves Fortune, Trade, and the → Empire, and through such distractions they strayaway from the narrow paths of duty, gravity, and piety. <strong>The</strong> Brown Party of Telvanni honors greattraditions of arcane mastery of our → race, and deserve our respect, but they are careless inobservance of → Temple teaching, and scornful of discipline, doctrine, and obedience. − <strong>The</strong>Great Houses culture is only one of the native → Dunmer cultures of Morrowind. <strong>The</strong> other nativeculture, the → Ashlander culture, is a nomadic → barbarian culture largely untouched by <strong>Imperial</strong>influences.Lit.: Great Houses of Morrowind (TEST I 2 : 400).Serving and Joining Great Houses→ Outlanders may find employment in the Dunmer Great Houses. Initially one gains status as anoath−bonded hireling, pledging exclusive loyalty to a given house, but with faithful service andadvancement in lower ranks, an outlander may become retainer of a Great House, or may beadopted into a Great House. Candidates should be experienced and capable. For advancementbeyond the lower ranks, a patron on a Great House council is essential. Adoption and advancementto higher ranks in a Great House requires that a councilor stand as sponsor for the candidate'scharacter and loyalty. Finding a councilor to sponsor an outlander often involves performing agreat service for the prospective sponsor.Greater BonewalkerGreater bonewalkers defend the tombs of clan and kin. Greater bonewalkers are aggressive anddangerous. → Bonemeal is a finely ground powder with modest magical properties made from thebones of the → bonewalker.Greater Saints<strong>The</strong> greater → saints of the → Temple, listed with their proper spheres, are: Blessed → Almalexiathe Warden −− → Healers, Teachers, Lord → Sotha Sil the Magus −− Artificers, Wizards, Lord →Vivec the Poet −− Artists, → Rogues, → Saint Nerevar the Captain −− → Warriors, Statesmen,and → Saint Veloth the Pilgrim −− Outcasts, Seekers.Greef<strong>The</strong> native → comberry brandy is locally called greef. Greef is a strong stimulant, but like allintoxicants, it tends to impair physical coordination. That is, it makes you feel real strong, butmakes you clumsy.Green LichenServing and Joining Great HousesGreen lichen is a hardy primitive plant with modest magical properties that grows in the →Ascadian Isles and Azura's Coast.96

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