The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library


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MonkRedoran have garrisons of elite volunteers here to defend the stronghold. Birer Indaram is the →Buoyant Armiger Deputy Marshal and head of the Buoyant Armiger garrison at the Molag MarStronghold. → Pilgrims come here and use the stronghold as a base from which they can attemptthe difficult and dangerous pilgrimages to the → Mount Kand and → Mount Assarnibibi sites tothe north in the → Molag Amur wastelands, but they can't travel without well−equipped, heavilyarmed escorts. <strong>The</strong> Temple faithful will find a → monk, → healer, and → apothecary at MolagMar Temple. Tharer Rotheloth is the Molag Mar Temple Steward. Redoran retainers and kin havetheir own → smith, → drillmaster, → trader, and → savant with the Redoran garrison. Hakar theCandle is the ranking Redoran of the Redoran garrison. Saetring the Nord is the local independentsmith, and Vasesius Viciulus is a trader. <strong>The</strong> → slave trader is Zabarbael. Roads lead north to thetwo pilgrim sites, Mount Assarnibibi and Mount Kand, in the Molag Amur wastes. → Silt striderservice goes to → Suran and → Vivec. From the docks get ship passage to Vivec, → Tel Branora,and → Hla Oad.Most pilgrims will need guards and guides to reach the pilgrim sites. Follow → Foyada Ilibaal northwest to MountKand, then Mount Assarnibibi is northeast of Mount Kand, across → Foyada Zabirbael. Just take your time, keeplandmarks in sight, and be ready to hoof it back to the stronghold if you get in trouble.MonkMonks are students of the ancient → martial arts of hand−to−hand combat and → unarmoredself−defense. Monks avoid detection by → stealth, mobility, and → agility, and are skilled with avariety of ranged and close−combat weapons. If the monk's life interests you, you should speakwith the monk An−Deesei at the → Argonian Mission."I am a monk. In mind and spirit, I am a student of the hidden mysteries, of the unseen world thatlies behind the objects and ideas of everyday life. In body, I am a student of the ancient martialarts, patterned on the 'Rain−of−Sand' fighting styles of → Elsweyr. I pursue hand−to−hand andunarmored self−defense, because what you don't have, you cannot lose. I also train with the →blunt weapons called staves, because even the poorest peasant can own a → staff. To earn mykeep, I train others in my skills."Moon SugarMoon sugar is a grainy powder of small white crystals refined from cane grasses of → Elseweyr'scoasts and estuaries. Used as a spice in Elsweyr, it has modest magical properties, and is also apotent narcotic, and illegal in → Morrowind and the rest of the → Empire. Criminals haveattempted to grow moon sugar grasses in → Vvardenfell, without success.Moon−and−StarLegend says → Indoril → Nerevar's family standard bore the moon and star, and Nerevar's armorand weapons bore this sign. Some say he bore a moon−and−star birthmark. Some say he was bornunder a moon−and−star. Others say he has a magic ring marked with a moon−and−star. <strong>The</strong>enchanted ring called Moon−and−Star −− or One−Clan−Under−Moon−and−Star, as the →Ashlanders call it −− was forged for the hero Nerevar by one of the → Dwemer Sorcerer−PriestKagrenac's smiths, and blessed by the → Daedra Lord Azura. <strong>The</strong> ring gave Nerevar supernatural138

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