The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library

The Elder Scrolls Treasury III - The Imperial Library


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Attribute−DamagingAttribute−DamagingAttribute−damaging spells actually destroy the eleven fundamental → attributes of natural andsupernatural beings: → agility, → endurance, → fatigue, → health, → intelligence, → luck, →personality, → speed, → strength, → willpower, → magica. <strong>The</strong> victim's attributes are reducedpermanently. <strong>The</strong> most common of these → destruction spells are: curse agility, curse endurance,curse fatigue, curse health, curse intelligence, curse luck, curse personality, curse speed, cursestrength, curse willpower, and curse spell points. See also → Damage.Attribute−DrainingAttribute−draining spells reduce the eleven fundamental → attributes of natural and supernaturalbeings: → agility, → endurance, → fatigue, → health, → intelligence, → luck, → personality, →speed, → strength, → willpower, → magica. <strong>The</strong> reduction is only temporary, and the attributereturns to normal after the duration of the magical effect elapses. <strong>The</strong> most common of these →destruction spells are: clumsiness, distraction, exhaustion, gash spirit , misfortune, spite, strain,temptation, torpor, → weakness, and wound.. See also → Drain Attribute, → Drain Fatigue, →Drain Health, → Drain Magicka, → Drain Skill.Attributes<strong>The</strong> eleven fundamental attributes of natural and supernatural beings are → agility, → endurance,→ fatigue, → health, → intelligence, → luck, → personality, → speed, → strength, → willpower,→ magicka. Scholars and sages of the six magic colleges are familiar with these fundamentalattributes from the works of the earliest → Aldmeri philosophers, and the concepts have beenadopted by all the other scholarly disciplines of → <strong>Imperial</strong> culture.AundaeWe are the most blessed of all of the cursed. In addition to the powers all → vampires possess, ourdark powers are of the mind, where other, weaker clans are gifted more physically. Our paththrough the darkness relies on magic, and at this, we are truly gifted.Auriel's Bow<strong>The</strong> → Museum of Artifacts offers 15000 gold for Auriel's Bow.Axe<strong>The</strong> axe weapon discipline is the study and mastery of the → war axe and → battleaxe weaponstyles. To use any style of weapon effectively, the user must be trained, conditioned, and skilled inits use.AxesOnly two types of axe are common here −− the one−handed → war axe and the two−handed →battle axe. Use the war axe with a → shield or use the two−handed battle axe for maximum effect.26

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