Indonesia Health Profile 2010

Indonesia Health Profile 2010

Indonesia Health Profile 2010

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carelessly. Percentage of households with the criteria of good waste handling can beseen at Graph 2.17.GRAPH 2.17PERCENTAGE OF HOUSEHOLD BY GOOD WASTE HANDLINGIN INDONESIA, <strong>2010</strong>Source: Riskesdas, National Board of <strong>Health</strong> Research and Development, <strong>2010</strong>Nationally, household in waste handling with good criteria was still low at only28.7%. Provinces with the highest percentage were DKI Jakarta, in amount of 84.3%,Riau Island 48.1%, and East Kalimantan 47.2%. The lowest percentages were inProvince of Gorontalo at 6.0%, West Kalimantan 10.5%, and East Nusa Tenggara11.7%.3. Woman’s Age of First MarriageWoman’s age at first marriage is the age when woman gets marriage legallyand biologically the first time. Woman who marry at a very young age have a greaterrisk to the safety of mother and child. This is due to immaturity of the young age ofthe woman's uterus for childbirth.Nationally, as shown in Graph 2.18, from women age 10‐59 years who hadbeen married, in amount of 41.9% of them were married at first time at age 15‐19years, then 33.6% of them were married at age 20‐24. This indicates the low age atfirst marriage of women in <strong>Indonesia</strong>. The average age at first marriage of womenoccurred at age 20. The highest average age of woman first marriage was in Provinceof Riau Island, namely age of 22.2 years and the lowest average age at first marriagewere in Province of Central Kalimantan and South Kalimantan, namely age of 19years.29

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