Annual report - Performance Management Division

Annual report - Performance Management Division

Annual report - Performance Management Division


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CHAPTER 9FREE COACHING AND ALLIED SCHEME9.1 The “Free Coaching and Allied Scheme for the candidates belonging to minoritycommunities” was launched by this Ministry w.e.f. 17.7.2007. It was modified w.e.f.16.10.2008 for a wider coverage.9.2 The objective of the scheme is to enhance skills and knowledge of students andcandidates from minority communities to get employment in Government Sector/PublicSector Undertakings, jobs in private sector, and admission in reputed institutions in technicaland professional courses at under-graduate and post-graduate levels and remedial coachingin such institutions to complete courses successfully.9.3 Under the Scheme, financial assistance is provided to coaching institutes inGovernment and private sector for imparting free coaching/training to candidates belongingto minority communities.9.4 To avail benefits under this scheme candidates/students should belong to a minoritycommunity. The annual income of parents/guardians from all sources should not exceed` 2.50 lakh. Candidates/students should have the requisite educational qualifications forcoaching training course they want to persue.9.5 An outlay of ` 45 crore has been provided in the Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-12)to cover 20,000 students. During the year 2011-12 (up to 31.12.2011), an amount of` 4.00 crore was released to 2 institutes in 1 State benefitting 90 students. The SelectionCommittee of this Ministry has selected 61 institutes and decided on a number of 9350students/candidates to benefit under the Scheme in financial year 2011-12. The release ofstI installment to all these institutes are under process.9.6 All information pertaining to this Scheme is available on the website of this Ministryat www.minorityaffairs.gov.in.9.7 The Table given below indicates types of coaching and financial assistance providedunder the Scheme.Sl. Type of Coaching/ Coaching/ training/ Amount of StipendNo. training/remedial coaching remedial coaching fee per month1. Group ‘A’ Services As fixed by the institute, `1500 /- for outstationsubject to a maximum ceiling candidates, ` 750/-forof ` 20,000/-local candidates30

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