Annual report - Performance Management Division

Annual report - Performance Management Division

Annual report - Performance Management Division


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and Muslim health personnel and teachers in Muslim concentration areas. Guidelineshave also been issued by Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Human ResourceDevelopment and Ministry of Health & Family Welfare advising States/UTs for similaraction.3.7 Ministry of Home Affairs:(a)(b)A High Level Committee, set up to review the Delimitation Act, has considered theconcerns expressed in the Sachar Committee <strong>report</strong> regarding anomalies with respectto reserved constituencies under the delimitation schemes and submitted its Report.A Working Group in the National Advisory Council (NAC) drafted a Bill titled“Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence (Access to Justice & Reparations) Bill,2011”. The NAC sent the Bill to Ministry of Home Affairs on 25.07.2011. The draft Billis under examination in Ministry of Home Affairs.3.8 Ministry of Urban Development and Ministry of Housing &Urban Poverty Alleviation:For facilitating the flow of funds under the Jawarharlal Nehru National Urban RenewalMission (JNNURM), Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns(UIDSSMT), Integrated Housing & Slum Development Programme (IHSDP) and BasicServices for Urban Poor (BSUP) to towns and cities, having a substantial concentration ofminority population, necessary steps have been taken to ensure that Detailed ProjectReports (DPRs) for such towns and cities include adequate provisions for minorities.(a)(b)(c)(d)Under UIDSSMT, ` 2672.34 crore has been sanctioned for 88 towns having asubstantial minority population.Under IHSDP, projects costing ` 1897.69 crore are for 101 towns having a substantialminority population.Under BSUP, ` 7086.47 crore has been sanctioned for 17 towns.Governments of Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Punjab, Chhatisgarh, Madhya Pradesh,Rajasthan, Lakshadweep, Puducherry and Kerala have given exemption to Waqf Boardproperties from Rent Control Act, while Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland haveinformed that no Waqf property exists in these States.3.9 Ministry of Labour and Employment :An Act has been passed by the Parliament for providing social security to workers in the unorganizedsector, which, inter- alia, includes home based workers.17

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