Annual report - Performance Management Division

Annual report - Performance Management Division

Annual report - Performance Management Division


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(ii)Minor Projects:The loan amount disbursed by the Council to the waqf institutions in repayable in 20 halfyearly installments with a moratorium of two year. The amount thus repaid forms arevolving fund of the Council, which is again utilized for the Minor Projects on the waqf land.Under this scheme, the Council had advanced the loan amounting to ` 4.97 crores to90 projects since 1986-87 out of which 68 projects have so far been completed and work on22 projects is in progress.(iii)Educational Schemes:The grants-in-aid received by the Central Waqf Council is released to the waqfs in the formof interest free loans for the development of urban waqf properties. While the Council bearsthe entire expenditure on the staff working in the Scheme as well as other expenses, thestcouncil receives 4% donation (up to 31 December, 2009 the donation was 6%) for itsEducation Fund, from the loanee waqfs on reducing balance till the loan is repaid. TheEducation Fund of the Council is formed out of this donation. Moreover, the interest accruedon the Bank deposits of the Revolving Fund (meant for financing Minor Schemes) is alsocredited to the Education Fund. Thus, out of this Education Fund, the Council is runningvarious educational programmes, which include establishment of I.T.I.s etc. The Educationand Women Welfare Committee of the Council examines all the cases received under thescheme and makes recommendations accordingly.During the year 2011-12, (upto December, 2011) a grant of ` 41.60 lakhs was released asgrants-in-aid for financial assistance to ITIs, Vocational Training Centres, book banks/libraries and providing matching grants to State Wakf Boards for scholarships.(iv) In-service training to the staff of the State Wakf BoardsThe necessity for in-service training to the staff of State Wakf Boards had alwaysbeen felt. The Central Wakf Council after realizing the importance of having such trainingdecided to launch this programme in collaboration with RCVP Noronha Academy ofAdministration and <strong>Management</strong>, Bhopal, which is functioning since 1966 as a focal point ofall training activities in the State of Madhya Pradesh and has staff, infrastructure and otherfacilities for the purpose. It would be a regular programme to be organized off and on everyyear on various aspects of Wakf <strong>Management</strong> and the problem faced by the Board Officialsin their day-to-day activities.Accordingly, the Council had financed and organized a training programme of threedays each at RCVP Noronha Academy of Administration and <strong>Management</strong>, Bhopal onth th26 -28 September, 2011.44

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