Annual report - Performance Management Division

Annual report - Performance Management Division

Annual report - Performance Management Division


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18.6 The total approved plan outlay of ` 500 crore to augment the Corpus Fund of thethMAEF during the 11 Plan period has already been released to the MAEF. An additionalprovision of ` 50 crore was made in the Budget Estimate for the year 2011-12. This wouldtake the corpus to ` 750 crore .18.7 Since its inception, MAEF has sanctioned ` 148.31 crores to 1137 NGOs throughoutthe country for construction/expansion of schools/colleges/girls hostels/polytechnics/ITIsand for the purchase of equipment/machinery/furniture etc and has distributed scholarshipsto 59303 girl students amounting to ` 68.99 crores. State-wise achievement details inrespect of Grants-in-aid to NGOs are at Annexure-IX and that of scholarship scheme is atAnnexure-X.st18.8 In the year 2011-12 (up to 31 December 2011) the MAEF has sanctioned grants inaid to 139 NGOs amounting to ` 17.64 crore. Applications for scholarships to meritorious girlstudents are under process .Steps Taken to Revamp the Organization18.9 To ensure smooth functioning, increased accountability and transparency and torevamp system the following steps have been taken:-(i)(ii)Recruitment Rules (RRs) of all the existing posts were finalized and notified duringApril, 2011.A Senior Administrative Grade (SAG) level Officer of the Central Government has beenposted on deputation, as Secretary to the Foundation to ensure better managementand accountability.(iii) All important information with regard to grants-in-aid to NGOs and scholarship to girlchild are available in the website of MAEF i.e.www.maef.nic.in.(iv) The resources of MAEF have been distributed in State wise manner in order to makesure that every State/UT is covered under the scheme and programme of theFoundations. Prior to 2008-09, no physical and financial targets were set by the MAEFfor its Grants-in-aid scheme to NGOs. From the year 2008-09 the MAEF has startedsetting targets for this scheme.(v)Review meetings on the schemes and programmes of MAEF are being held at periodicintervals at the level of Secretary, Ministry of Minority Affairs.50

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