Annual report - Performance Management Division

Annual report - Performance Management Division

Annual report - Performance Management Division


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Sl. Name of the Scheme and Achievement (Financial)No Ministry/Dept. concerned Project cost sanctioned andnumber of cities/townscovered having asubstantial minoritypopulation.1. Basic Services for Urban Poor (BSUP): M/o Housing ` 7086.47 crore for 17& Urban Poverty Alleviation (HUPA).towns.2. Integrated Housing & Slum Development ` 1897.69 crore for 101Programme (IHSDP), M/o HUPA.cities /towns.3. Urban Infrastructure & Governance (UIG): ` 8798.06 crore for 17M/o Urban Development (UD)cities4. Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for ` 2672.34 crore for 88Small & Medium Towns (UIDSSMT):towns /cities.M/o Urban Development (UD).5. National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP): ` 5143.96 crore of the totalD/o Drinking Water Supply (DWS). sanctions covering 11245habitations in districtshaving a substantialminority population.2.6 It has been <strong>report</strong>ed by Department of Personnel and Training that during 2010-11,51 Ministries/Departments have recruited 21,118 minority candidates, which works out to12.2% of the total recruitments made.2.7 The monitoring mechanism for implementation of Prime Minister’s New 15 PointProgramme has been strengthened. In 2009, the Government approved inclusion of twoMembers of Parliament from Lok Sabha and one Member of Parliament from Rajya Sabha,two Members of the Legislative Assembly to be nominated by the State Government in theState Level Committees for implementation of the Prime Minister’s New 15 Point Programmefor the Welfare of Minorities. However, one of the Members included in the State LevelCommittee from Lok Sabha and Legislative Assembly should have been elected from any ofthe minority concentration districts in those states which have minority concentrationdistricts (MCDs). In respect of District Level Committee for implementation of the PrimeMinister’s new 15 Point Programme, besides one Member of Parliament from Rajya Sabharepresenting the State to be nominated by the Central Government, all Members ofParliament and all Members of Legislative Assembly representing the district would beincluded in the District Committee.11

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