Annual report - Performance Management Division

Annual report - Performance Management Division

Annual report - Performance Management Division


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CHAPTER 18MAULANA AZAD EDUCATION FOUNDATION18.1 The Maulana Azad Education Foundation (MAEF) was established in 1989 as avoluntary, non-political, non-profit making society registered under the Societies RegistrationAct, 1860.18.2 The main objectives of MAEF are to formulate and implement educational schemesand plans for the benefit of the educationally backward minorities in particular and weakersections in general, to facilitate establishment of residential schools, especially for girls, inorder to provide modern education to them and to promote research and encourage otherefforts for the benefit of educationally backward minorities.18.3 The General Body of the Foundation has 15 Members - six Ex-Officio Members andnine nominated members. The latter are nominated by the President of the Foundation -Union Minister for Minority Affairs is the Ex-Officio President of the Foundation - for a periodof three years.18.4 The Schemes of the Foundation are mainly of two types, Viz. Grants-in-aid to NGOsfor construction and expansion of schools/hostels, technical/vocational training centres withemphasis on girl students and Scholarships to meritorious girl students. The variousschemes run by the Foundation are as under:(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)Financial assistance to establish/expand schools/residential schools/colleges;Financial assistance for purchase of laboratory equipment and furniture etc;Financial assistance for setting up/strengthening vocational/technical trainingcentre/institutes;Financial assistance for construction of hostel buildings;Maulana Azad National Scholarships for meritorious girl students;Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad Literacy Awards.18.5 The Foundation is implementing its schemes out of the interest earned on its CorpusFund, which is its main source of income. The Corpus Fund has been provided to theFoundation as part of plan assistance. The Corpus fund, which stood at ` 100 crore in theyear 2006-07 now stands at ` 700.00 crore.49

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