Annual report - Performance Management Division

Annual report - Performance Management Division

Annual report - Performance Management Division


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17.7 Micro Financing is being implemented by NMDFC since 1998-99 initially throughstNGOs. Later, SCAs were also involved in implementation. Since inception till 31 December,2011, disbursement to the tune of ` 275.91 crore has been made under the micro financingscheme for 3,65,656 beneficiaries. In the current financial year (2011-12) up tost31 December, 2011, micro-credit loan of ` 34.00 crore has been disbursed to NGOs/ SCAsfor 18889 beneficiaries.st17.8 Till 31 December, 2011, since inception NMDFC has disbursed a consolidatedamount of ` 1750.109 crore benefiting 7,30,767 beneficiaries under the above twostprogrammes. During the current financial year till 31 December, 2011 a consolidatedamount of ` 128.239 crore has been disbursed for assisting 33,337 beneficiaries.17.9 A scheme for giving grants-in-aid to State Channelising Agencies for strengtheningof their infrastructure had been launched by the Ministry of Minority Affairs during 2007-08.Assistance is being provided for awareness campaigns, improvement in delivery systems,training of manpower, debt recovery etc. Under the scheme, 90% of the expenditure isborne by the Central Government and the State Governments have to make contributionof 10%. Out of ` 4 crore sanctioned for this scheme for the financial year 2010-11,` 3.83 crore was released. For 2011-12, ` 2 crore have been sanctioned for this scheme.17.10 The <strong>Annual</strong> Report and audited Accounts of the NMDFC for the year 2010-11stwas laid in the Lok Sabha on 21 December, 2011 and in the Rajya Sabha on theth19 December, 2011.17.11 A consultancy firm which was appointed to study and work out the details forrestructuring of NMDFC has submitted its Reports which are being examined in the Ministry.Inauguration of new office premises of the National Minorities Development and FinanceCorporation by Minister of Minority Affairs in the presence of Minister of State,thMinority Affairs on 27 May 2011.48

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