Annual report - Performance Management Division

Annual report - Performance Management Division

Annual report - Performance Management Division


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(g) A revised Coaching and Allied scheme was launched in 2006-07. Against the target of6000 candidates for 2011-12, financial assistance has been given to90 students/candidates belonging to minority communities. Under the Scheme` 4.00 crore have been released against the budget provision of ` 16.00 crore, uptost31 December, 2011.(h)A Multi-sectoral Development Programme (MsDP) was launched in 90 identifiedminority concentration districts in 2008-09. Plans of 90 minority concentration districts(fully in 63 and partly in 27 districts) in Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Assam,Manipur, Bihar, Meghalaya, Jharkhand, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Orissa,Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Uttrakhand, Mizoram, Jammu & Kashmir, Delhi MadhyaPradesh, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh have been approved and ` 2588.34 crorereleased to State Governments and Union Territory Administrations up tost31 December, 2011 since launching of the programme.3.4 Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation :A National Data Bank, to compile data on the various socio-economic and basic amenitiesparameters for socio-religious communities, has been set up in the Ministry of Statistics andProgramme Implementation.3.5 Planning Commission:(a)(b)An autonomous Assessment & Monitoring Authority (AMA), to analyse data collectedfor taking appropriate and corrective policy decisions, was set up in the PlanningthCommission. Since the term of the AMA ended on 15 January, 2011, the PlanningCommission has reconstituted the AMA and the newly reconstituted AMA has held afew meetings.A comprehensive institutional structure for fostering skill development has been set upin Planning Commission to address the skill development needs of the countryincluding minorities. It includes National Council on Skill Development, National SkillDevelopment Coordination Board and a National Skill Development Corporation.3.6 Department of Personnel and Training:(a)(b)Department of Personnel & Training has developed training modules for sensitizationof government officials for the welfare of minorities. These modules have been sent tothe Central/ State Training Institutes for training.State Governments and Union Territory Administrations have been advised byDepartment of Personnel & Training for posting of Muslim police personnel in Thanas16

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