BP Singh

BP Singh

BP Singh

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Detection of Bacterial Pathogens and Salvaging of Infected Germplas11l 157Contd ... (Table 1)CropPathogenTreatmentTomatoDry heat treatmentLettuceX. campestris pv.vesicatoriaPseudomonas cic1lOriiSeed immersion in hot water at50"C for 1 hri at 55°C for 30 min orat 60"C for 15 min.Seed treatment at 70"C for 1-4 daysPea Pseudomonas syringae pv. Dry heat treatment at 65"Cpisifor 72 hr.Rice Pseudomonas avenae Dry heat treatment of seed at 65"Cfor 6 daysChemical treatmentCarrot Xcampestris pv.carotaLoCauliflower P. syringae pv.mactelicolaCrucifers X campestris pv.campestrisCottonX. campestl'is pv.malvacearumGuarSoybeanTomatoTurnipWheatPseudomonas fitscovaginae Heat treatment at 65"C for 6 daysPseudomonas glumae Heat treatment at 65"C for 6 daysX. campestris pv.cyamopsidisX. campestris pv.glycz'llesX. campestris pv.vesicatoria. E. carotovora subsp.carotovoraP. syringae pv.atrojaciel1sSeed treatment with 0.1%HgCl z for 10 min.Seed steeping in 1% HgCl,solution for 1'0 min. •Seed disinfection by 3 min.immersion in 1:1000 HgC1 2solution.Seed treatment with 1%ceres an or treatment for delintingwith cone. H 2S0 4(1:17 acid: seed)for 50 or 10 minSeed treatment with ceres an WP@ 0.2%; thiram 0.2%; streptocycline0.01% or Agrimycin-100 @ 0.01%.Seed treatment with fundazol@ 3 kg/toSeed treatment with 1:1000HgC1 2•Seed treatment with 80% TMTD@ 8 g/kg.Seed treatment with 80% TMTD@ 2 kg/t.

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