Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations - Historic Naval Ships ...

Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations - Historic Naval Ships ...

Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations - Historic Naval Ships ...

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Chapter XI• Replenishment, repair, or replacement ofequipment and supplies used duringrehearsals including landing craft, ships,or aircraft.• Critiques at all levels of command <strong>for</strong>evaluation and correction of problems.• Time to revise areas of the plan in whichthe rehearsal identified problems.c. Selection of the rehearsal area isinfluenced by the following.• Suitability.• Similarity of the rehearsal area to theactual landing area.• Feasibility of employing liveammunition.• OPSEC.• Susceptibility to enemy interference.• Location of the rehearsal area in relationto the operational area and to points ofembarkation.• Health conditions at the rehearsal area.• Activity of civilian personnel, vehicles,shipping, and small craft that mayinterfere with the rehearsal.• Environmental and managementrestrictions.d. Testing the effectiveness ofcommunications-in<strong>for</strong>mation systems planswill be influenced by the following.• Level of training of communicationsin<strong>for</strong>mationsystems personnel andtraining time available.• Level of training of intelligence, maneuver,fires, logistics, and other functional areapersonnel regarding their use ofcommunications-in<strong>for</strong>mation systemsresources.• Status of communications-in<strong>for</strong>mationsystems equipment.• OPSEC and INFOSEC restrictions.4. Securitya. Because of similarity between therehearsal and the actual operation, strictsecurity measures must be en<strong>for</strong>ced duringrehearsals. The reconnaissance <strong>for</strong>, selectionof, and arrangements <strong>for</strong> the use of the areasin which rehearsal(s) are to be held must beaccomplished carefully. Deception measuresmay be necessary to ensure the security ofthe rehearsal.b. Unauthorized observation by personnelnot part of the amphibious <strong>for</strong>ce orunauthorized communications by personnelwithin the amphibious <strong>for</strong>ce with externalagencies must be prevented. The primarymeans of limiting unauthorized observationare restricting movements of personnel andships, and establishing security perimeterpatrols around the rehearsal area, both at seaand ashore. Special precautions must be takento achieve communications security.c. The threat of reconnaissance satellitescannot be ignored. Execution of therehearsal may have to be timed to coincidewith those time periods when satellites cannotobserve the rehearsal area, which may or maynot coincide with planned execution times.Adjustment to the rehearsal (e.g., selection ofmisleading terrain, decentralized rehearsals,subordinate rehearsals separated by time anddistance, and deliberately executed deceptionoperations) may also be used to mask theXI-2JP 3-02

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