Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations - Historic Naval Ships ...

Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations - Historic Naval Ships ...

Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations - Historic Naval Ships ...

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Glossaryorganization <strong>for</strong> embarkation. In amphibiousoperations, the organization <strong>for</strong> embarkationconsisting of temporary landing <strong>for</strong>ce taskorganizations established by thecommander, landing <strong>for</strong>ce and a temporaryorganization of Navy <strong>for</strong>ces established bythe commander, amphibious task <strong>for</strong>ce <strong>for</strong>the purpose of simplifying planning andfacilitating the execution of embarkation.(This term and its definition modify theexisting term and its definition and areapproved <strong>for</strong> inclusion in the next editionof JP 1-02.)organization <strong>for</strong> landing. In amphibiousoperations, the specific tactical groupingof the landing <strong>for</strong>ce <strong>for</strong> the assault. (JP1-02)outer transport area. In amphibiousoperations, an area inside the antisubmarinescreen to which assault transports proceedinitially after arrival in the objective area.(JP 1-02)over-the-horizon amphibious operations.An operational initiative launched frombeyond visual and radar range of theshoreline. (JP 1-02)parallel chains of command. In amphibiousoperations, a parallel system of command,responding to the interrelationship of Navy,landing <strong>for</strong>ce, Air Force, and other major<strong>for</strong>ces assigned, wherein correspondingcommanders are established at eachsubordinate level of all components to facilitatecoordinated planning <strong>for</strong>, and execution of,the amphibious operation. (JP 1-02)planning directive. In amphibious operations,the plan issued by the designatedcommander, following receipt of the orderinitiating the amphibious operation, toensure that the planning process andinterdependent plans developed by theamphibious <strong>for</strong>ce will be coordinated,completed in the time allowed, andimportant aspects not overlooked. (Thisterm and its definition modify the existingterm and its definition and are approved <strong>for</strong>inclusion in the next edition of JP 1-02.)planning phase. In amphibious operations,the phase normally denoted by the periodextending from the issuance of the orderinitiating the amphibious operation up tothe embarkation phase. The planning phasemay occur during movement or at any othertime upon receipt of a new mission orchange in the operational situation. (Thisterm and its definition are approved <strong>for</strong>inclusion in the next edition of JP 1-02.)preassault operation. <strong>Operations</strong> conductedby the amphibious <strong>for</strong>ce upon its arrival inthe operational area and prior to H and/orL-hour. (This term and its definition modifythe existing term and its definition and areapproved <strong>for</strong> inclusion in the next editionof JP 1-02.)regulating point. An anchorage, port, or oceanarea to which assault and assault follow-upechelons and follow-up shipping proceedon a schedule, and at which they arenormally controlled by the commander,amphibious task <strong>for</strong>ce, until needed in thetransport area <strong>for</strong> unloading. (This termand its definition are approved <strong>for</strong> inclusionin the next edition of JP 1-02.)rehearsal phase. In amphibious operations,the period during which the prospectiveoperation is practiced <strong>for</strong> the purpose of:(1) testing adequacy of plans, the timing ofdetailed operations, and the combatreadiness of participating <strong>for</strong>ces; (2)ensuring that all echelons are familiar withplans; and (3) testing communicationsin<strong>for</strong>mationsystems. (This term and itsdefinition are approved <strong>for</strong> inclusion in thenext edition of JP 1-02.)screening group. In amphibious operations,a task organization of ships that furnishesGL-11

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