Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations - Historic Naval Ships ...

Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations - Historic Naval Ships ...

Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations - Historic Naval Ships ...

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Glossaryprotection to the task <strong>for</strong>ce en route to theobjective area and during operations in theobjective area. (JP 1-02)sea areas. Areas in the amphibious objectivearea designated <strong>for</strong> the stationing ofamphibious task <strong>for</strong>ce ships. Sea areasinclude inner transport area, sea echelonarea, fire support area, etc. (This term andits definition are approved <strong>for</strong> inclusion inthe next edition of JP 1-02.)seabasing. In amphibious operations, atechnique of basing certain landing <strong>for</strong>cesupport functions aboard ship whichdecreases shore-based presence. (Thisterm and its definition are approved <strong>for</strong>inclusion in the next edition of JP 1-02.)sea echelon. A portion of the assault shippingwhich withdraws from, or remains out of,the transport area during an amphibiouslanding and operates in designated areas toseaward in an on-call or unscheduled status.(JP 1-02)sea echelon area. In amphibious operations,an area to seaward of a transport area fromwhich assault shipping is phased into thetransport area, and to which assault shippingwithdraws from the transport area. (JP1-02)sea echelon plan. In amphibious operations,the distribution plan <strong>for</strong> amphibiousshipping in the transport area to minimizelosses due to enemy attack by weapons ofmass destruction and to reduce the area tobe swept of mines. (This term and itsdefinition modify the existing term and itsdefinition and are approved <strong>for</strong> inclusion inthe next edition of JP 1-02.)ship-to-shore movement. That portion of theassault phase of an amphibious operationwhich includes the deployment of thelanding <strong>for</strong>ce from the assault shipping todesignated landing areas. (JP 1-02)GL-12shore party. A task organization of the landing<strong>for</strong>ce, <strong>for</strong>med <strong>for</strong> the purpose of facilitatingthe landing and movement off the beachesof troops, equipment, and supplies; <strong>for</strong> theevacuation from the beaches of casualtiesand enemy prisoners of war; and <strong>for</strong>facilitating the beaching, retraction, andsalvaging of landing ships and craft. Itcomprises elements of both the naval andlanding <strong>for</strong>ces. (JP 1-02)staging area. 1. <strong>Amphibious</strong> or airborne - Ageneral locality between the mounting areaand the objective of an amphibious orairborne expedition, through which theexpedition or parts thereof pass aftermounting, <strong>for</strong> refueling, regrouping ofships, and/or exercise, inspection, andredistribution of troops. Also called SA.(JP 1-02)subsidiary landing. In an amphibiousoperation, a landing usually made outsidethe designated landing area, the purposeof which is to support the main landing. (JP1-02)support. 1. The action of a <strong>for</strong>ce that aids,protects, complements, or sustains another<strong>for</strong>ce in accordance with a directiverequiring such action. 2. A unit that helpsanother unit in battle. 3. An element of acommand that assists, protects, or suppliesother <strong>for</strong>ces in combat. (JP 1-02)supported commander. 1. The commanderhaving primary responsibility <strong>for</strong> all aspectsof a task assigned by the <strong>Joint</strong> StrategicCapabilities Plan or other joint operationplanning authority. In the context of jointoperation planning, this term refers to thecommander who prepares operation plansor operation orders in response torequirements of the Chairman of the <strong>Joint</strong>Chiefs of Staff. 2. In the context of a supportcommand relationship, the commander whoreceives assistance from anothercommander’s <strong>for</strong>ce or capabilities, and whoJP 3-02

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