Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations - Historic Naval Ships ...

Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations - Historic Naval Ships ...

Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations - Historic Naval Ships ...

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Fire Support Planning and Coordinationstops the request and notifies allconcerned. When possible, thecoordinators recommend a new fire supportmeans and alert the agencies that mayprovide the support to the requesting unit.• Avoid Unnecessary Duplication. A keytask <strong>for</strong> fire support personnel is to ensurethat unnecessary duplications of firesupport are resolved and that only theminimum <strong>for</strong>ce needed to get the desiredeffects is used. This does not mean thatonly one asset is used; taking advantageof the complementary characteristics ofdifferent types of assets and integratingtheir effects provides the synergy ofcombined arms.• Coordinate Airspace. Inherent in firesupport coordination is the deconflictionof airspace by supporting arms. Thecollocation of the SACC and TACC canfacilitate the coordination and integrationof airspace, air defense, and fires.FSCMs and coordination procedures areused to provide a measure of protectionto the aircraft while incorporating CASwith indirect fires.• Provide Adequate Support. Themission and the commander’s guidancedetermine the effects that fire supportshould achieve <strong>for</strong> the fire support planto succeed.• Provide Rapid Coordination.Procedures <strong>for</strong> rapid coordination ensurespeed and flexibility in delivery of fires.SACC and FFCC personnel must knowthe characteristics of available firesupport weapons, the weapons’ status,and maintain situational awareness inorder to attack both planned targets andtargets of opportunity effectively.• Provide Safeguards and Survivability.Force protection includes considerationsof enemy threats and the potential <strong>for</strong>fratricide. Detailed integration ofmaneuver and fire support is required toprevent fratricide. SACC and FFCCpersonnel seek to prevent fratricidethrough close coordination at all levelsand situational awareness. Threedimensional radars and digital data linksshould be used <strong>for</strong> safeguards and <strong>for</strong>enhancing survivability. Use of FSCMs,coordination of position areas, and theconsideration of the locations of friendly<strong>for</strong>ces during target analysis all contributeto safeguarding friendly units.• Establish Communications Support.Timely and efficient exchange ofin<strong>for</strong>mation is a key requirement <strong>for</strong> allsuccessful operations. The physicalcollocation of coordinating agencies(SACC or TACC and FSCC or DASC)provides the surest <strong>for</strong>m ofcommunication, but is not alwayspossible or practical. There<strong>for</strong>e, reliableand extensive networking among TAassets, the fire support coordinationagencies, and attack resources is requiredto increase the responsiveness of fires insupport of the amphibious operation andto increase the amphibious <strong>for</strong>ce’soperational tempo. Timely and efficientcommunications with adjacent <strong>for</strong>ceswill also be required.• Establish Fire Support CoordinatingMeasures. FSCMs facilitate the rapidengagement of targets throughout theoperational area and, at the same time,provide safeguards <strong>for</strong> friendly <strong>for</strong>ces.The CLF designates all land fire supportcoordinating measures within theoperational area. The CATF designatesprimary and alternate fire support areas(FSAs) as required to support the LFmaneuver ashore. FSCMs must becoordinated with the ACP.For more details, see JP 3-09, <strong>Doctrine</strong><strong>for</strong> <strong>Joint</strong> Fire Support.VII-9

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