Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations - Historic Naval Ships ...

Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations - Historic Naval Ships ...

Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations - Historic Naval Ships ...

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Chapter XIVOTH operations should achieve operational surprisethrough creation of multiple threats.commander as well as the requisitecommunications architecture to control theseassets. The goal of OTH operations is toachieve operational surprise through creationof multiple threats, and ultimately to shatteran enemy’s cohesion through a series of rapid,violent, and unexpected actions that create aturbulent and rapidly deteriorating situationwith which an adversary cannot cope. SeeFigure XIV-3 <strong>for</strong> advantages anddisadvantages inherent to an OTH operation.b. Scope. An OTH operation is a tacticaloption to hide intentions and capabilities andto exploit the element of tactical surprise toachieve amphibious <strong>for</strong>ce objectives. Itprovides greater protection to the amphibious<strong>for</strong>ce from near-shore threats, and providesescort ships a greater opportunity to detect,classify, track, and engage incoming hostileaircraft and coastal defense missiles whileexpanding the shoreline the enemy must beprepared to defend. Conversely, the expandedOTH battlespace increases ship-to-shoretransit distance and time, complicates C2, andmay strain logistic sustainment of the LF.Conceptually, the operation will still beviewed as a single integrated evolutionrather than as two or three paralleloperations (e.g., airborne assault,XIV-6conventional surface assault, LCAC assault).As the situation ashore develops, the CATFand CLF adjust the ship-to-shore maneuverto rein<strong>for</strong>ce successes, and may changepenetration points, VLZs, and CLZs to keepenemy <strong>for</strong>ces off balance. To increase combatpower, ease the logistic strain <strong>for</strong> <strong>for</strong>cesashore, and support follow-on <strong>for</strong>ces, thedesignated commander may shift all or partof the amphibious <strong>for</strong>ce to near-shoreoperations, based on the threat to <strong>for</strong>cesafloat, CLF requirements, and the situationashore.c. Planning Considerations. While OTHtechniques are applicable to any type ofamphibious operation, special considerationsare required. Command and control interrelationshipsare even more critical in OTHamphibious operations. An OTH operationrequires that the landing plan be fluid,containing alternate landing sites that mayeven be selected while landing craft are intransit. Operational requirements <strong>for</strong>planning an OTH amphibious operationinclude the following.• Developing and maintaining anaccurate and timely tactical picture ofthe operational area. The need <strong>for</strong>JP 3-02

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