Trainers - Jazzercise

Trainers - Jazzercise

Trainers - Jazzercise


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Set Structure QuizRevised 12/1/11General1. True/False - A <strong>Jazzercise</strong> franchisee maintains the integrity and consistency of <strong>Jazzercise</strong> classesworldwide by following ALL class set structure rules.2. True/False - Requirements for a <strong>Jazzercise</strong> class include a stage, microphone, first aid kit, incidentreport, and perceived exertion chart.3. The _______________ ________________ ________________ is a required tool for monitoringintensity and must be visible and used in every <strong>Jazzercise</strong> class.4. True/False - There is a dotted line on the aerobic curve of the Perceived Exertion Chart. This lineascends more quickly on the front side of the curve than it descends on the backside of the curve.5. The most updated class structure rules are found under (FZ main heading) ____________________________ on the Franchise Zone.6. “Current” routines are defined as the most recent R-set distributed to instructors, plus the previous_____ routine sets.7. True/False - There is a rule regarding the number of “older” routines that may be taught in a<strong>Jazzercise</strong> class.Warm-up and Aerobic Segments8. The minimum requirement for the aerobic section of a regular <strong>Jazzercise</strong> class is _____ minutes.9. True/False - The maximum number of routines in the aerobic section of a regular format <strong>Jazzercise</strong>class is ten.10. ___ (number) CURRENT routines are required in a regular <strong>Jazzercise</strong> class set during the warm-upand aerobic segments.11. True/False – You may use only one M routine on the front side of the curve.12. The maximum combined time for MH and H routines in a regular <strong>Jazzercise</strong> class is _____ minutes.13. The maximum time for H routines in a regular class is ____ minutes.14. True/False – The minimum required number of MH and H routines combined is three.15. You are limited to ____ (number) "Backside of curve ONLY" (aka BCO) routine for each label per set.16. True/False – The "Backside of curve ONLY" (aka BCO) routine must be used as the last routine ofthat label down the curve. For example, the BCO routine is correctly placed in this set:LM, M, MH, H, H, MH, M, M(BCO), LM.17. True/False - It is acceptable, in a regular <strong>Jazzercise</strong> class format, to go from a medium aerobicroutine to a standing leg routine.Set Structure Quiz Revised 12/10/11

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