National Energy Policy - Final Draft - 14 Nov 2013

National Energy Policy - Final Draft - 14 Nov 2013

National Energy Policy - Final Draft - 14 Nov 2013


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7. The energy policy and the <strong>Energy</strong> Act 2006 (Part V Sections 104-106) provide the policy andlegal framework for energy efficiency and conservation programmes and strategies in thecountry.5.2 CHALLENGES1. Inadequate awareness of the potential benefits from efficient use and utilization of energyefficiency and conservation practices, technology and appliances.2. Consumer apathy. There is a tendency for consumers not to embrace energy efficiency andconservation best practices as long as there is good supply of energy for current use.3. Limited use of available conservation tools / new technology with increased efficiency leads toenergy wastage.4. High technical losses in the generation, transmission and distribution systems.5. Limited technical capacity, training and expertise in energy management and conservation tooperationalize requirements of sections 104, 105 and 106 of the <strong>Energy</strong> Act, 2006.6. Lack of comprehensive, reliable energy audit data and information covering various sectors andsub-sectors.7. Slow adoption of conservation opportunities and measures due to socio-economic factors.8. Inadequate financing owing to challenges in sourcing funds and credit mobilization for energyefficiency and conservation projects are impediments to investment in this area9. Insufficient standardized equipment and appliances that would benefit from tax rebates andfiscal incentives.10. Low awareness of existing fiscal, legal, regulatory incentives, frameworks and mechanismssuch as tax holidays, generation plant and equipment tax rebates, emerging credit facilities suchas green energy facility grants and loans and carbon credit from the Clean DevelopmentMechanism (CDM).11. High cost of optimisation technologies in energy development and consumption.Policies and Strategies and Implementation Plan – <strong>Energy</strong> Efficiency and ConservationPolicies and Strategies<strong>Energy</strong> Efficiency and ConservationShort Term20<strong>14</strong>-20171. Recognize efficiency and conservation as a high-priority energy resource. 2. Promote energy efficiency and conservation initiatives in all sectorsincluding schools.3. Enhance the provision of energy audits and advisory services in thecounties.4. Promote the establishment of laboratories for energy efficiency testing. Implementation PlanMedium Term20<strong>14</strong>-2022Long Term20<strong>14</strong>-2030 93 5.0 – ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND CONSERVATION

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