National Energy Policy - Final Draft - 14 Nov 2013

National Energy Policy - Final Draft - 14 Nov 2013

National Energy Policy - Final Draft - 14 Nov 2013


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6.2.3 Renewable <strong>Energy</strong>1. Generally, renewable energy is considered as an environmentally friendly option for energydevelopment. However, some concerns exist raising the need for mitigation measures to beincorporated in projects to ensure minimal impact and also ensure sustainability. Geothermal1. Geothermal power generation involves drawing fluids at high temperature from deep in theearth. These fluids carry a mixture of gases which contribute to global warming, acid rain, andnoxious smells if released.2. To mitigate these, the plants are equipped with emission control systems to reduce the exhaust.In addition, the practice of re-injecting these fluids into the earth in order to stimulate productionhelps to reduce the environmental risk. Other mitigation measures include extraction of excessmaterials for industrial use. Large Hydro1. The major concern for hydros is the displacement of people and wildlife where a reservoir islocated. Large reservoirs result in submersion of extensive areas upstream, destroyingecologically rich and productive land, riverine valley forests, marshland and grass land.2. Dams also have an impact on aquatic ecosystems both upstream and downstream by disruptingthe reproductive cycle, e.g., fish whose spawning grounds are normally upstream. Submergedvegetation - decomposes anaerobically producing methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Otherrisks of hydros include dam failure which may be caused by sabotage, or structural failures, andsiltation. Appropriate mitigation measures should be adopted to counter these and otherpotential negative effects. Biomass1. A supply-demand imbalance in the use of biomass has negative environmental impact in theform of deforestation. It has been established that charcoal production leads to the depletion ofwoodlands in Kenya at the rate of 0.5 ha per annum. This is mainly because of the inefficientcharcoal kilns used. In addition, the cost of the raw material (e.g. tree replacement) is generallynot considered and the wood is regarded as a free good.6.2.4 Electricity1. The construction and operation of electricity projects have a direct impact on the quality of theenvironment either by the emission or discharge of pollutants, poor waste handling, or bychanging the ecological systems. The degree of pollution and other ecological impacts aredependent upon the nature of the technology in use as well as the size and the general locationof the plant.2. A health and safety concern with electricity grid systems and consumer installations is thedanger of electrocution and electric shocks.97 6.0 – LAND, ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND SAFETY

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