National Energy Policy - Final Draft - 14 Nov 2013

National Energy Policy - Final Draft - 14 Nov 2013

National Energy Policy - Final Draft - 14 Nov 2013


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3. Inadequate wind regime data.4. Limited after sales service.5. Inadequate wind energy industry standards due to fast changing technologies and enhancedcapacities of turbines.6. Competing interest in land use with other commercial activities.7. Lack of RD&D in wind technologies.3.8.3 Policies and Strategies and Implementation Plan – Wind <strong>Energy</strong>Policies and StrategiesWind <strong>Energy</strong>1. Enhance the institutional capacity to promote wide spread use of windenergy while enforcing the existing regulations and standards.2. Designate an entity to promote, undertake data acquisition, accelerateexploitation of wind energy and provide a one stop shop for informationand guidance to investors in wind energy projects.3. Provide incentives to promote the local production and use of efficientwind systems.4. Promote the use of hybrid power generation systems involving wind andother energy sources.5. Provide a framework for connection of electricity generated from windenergy to national and isolated grids, through direct sale or net metering.Short Term20<strong>14</strong>-20176. Formulate and enforce minimum standards for wind energy technologies. 7. Plan transmission lines to facilitate evacuation of power from areas withhigh wind potential to major load centres.8. Undertake Research Development and Dissemination (RD&D) throughthe <strong>National</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> Institute.9. Enhance capacity building on wind technologies to provide supportservices.10. Provide fiscal incentives on wind energy equipment. 11. Collect and compile wind energy data and update the wind atlas. 12. Facilitate development of wind power generation of at least 500MW by2017 and 1,000 by 2022 and 3,000MW by 2030.3.9 MUNICIPAL WASTE3.9.1 BackgroundImplementationMedium Term20<strong>14</strong>-2022 Long Term20<strong>14</strong>-20301. Municipal waste consists of solid waste including durable and nondurable goods, containers,food scraps, yard waste and inorganic waste from homes, institutions and businesses, wastesgenerated by manufacturing, agriculture, mining and construction and demolition debris, as wellas sludge and liquid waste from water and wastewater treatment facilities, septic tanks,sewerage systems, slaughter houses.63 3.0 – RENEWABLE ENERGY

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