National Energy Policy - Final Draft - 14 Nov 2013

National Energy Policy - Final Draft - 14 Nov 2013

National Energy Policy - Final Draft - 14 Nov 2013


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9.4.2 Policies and Strategies – Gender, Youth and Persons with Special NeedsPolicies and StrategiesGender, Youth and Person with Special Needs1. The Government shall promote the one-third gender principle in theenergy sector institutions as provided for under Article 27(8) of theConstitution. Specifically, the Government will promote the disadvantagedgender, youth and persons with special needs in uptake of scientific andengineering courses through NEI.2. In order to address the challenges faced by women, youth and personswith special needs the Government shall:(a)(b)(c)(d)Mainstream gender, youth and persons with special needs issues inpolicy formulation and in energy planning, production and use.Undertake public education and awareness creation on the culturalstructures and practices hindering the access by women, youth andpersons with special needs to alternative sources of energy.Undertake public health education on the efficient use of bio-energyand promote the use of fuel efficient bio-energy appliances.Enhance regional, gender and environmental considerations inenergy planning and development.Short Term20<strong>14</strong>-2017Implementation PlanMedium Term20<strong>14</strong>-2022Long Term20<strong>14</strong>-20309.5 POLICY IMPLEMENTATION, MONITORING AND EVALUATIONPolicies and Strategies<strong>Policy</strong> Implementation, Monitoring and EvaluationShort Term20<strong>14</strong>-2017Implementation PlanMedium Term20<strong>14</strong>-2022Long Term20<strong>14</strong>-20301. The Cabinet Secretary responsible for energy shall carry out theimplementation, monitoring and evaluation of this policy on a quarterlybasis.2. The Cabinet Secretary shall set up an appropriate mechanism to monitorand evaluate the implementation process at the national and county levelsso as to ensure that the gains in this policy benefit all Kenyans.9.6 DATA COLLECTION, MANAGEMENT AND DISSEMINATIONPolicies and StrategiesData Collection, Management and DisseminationThe Government shall establish a mechanism for energy data collectionmanagement and dissemination under an integrated energy sectormanagement system covering the Ministry in charge of energy and theparastatals under it to facilitate online transmission of information.Short Term20<strong>14</strong>-2017Implementation PlanMedium Term20<strong>14</strong>-2022Long Term20<strong>14</strong>-2030130 NATIONAL ENERGY POLICY FINAL DRAFT NOVEMBER <strong>2013</strong>

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