National Energy Policy - Final Draft - 14 Nov 2013

National Energy Policy - Final Draft - 14 Nov 2013

National Energy Policy - Final Draft - 14 Nov 2013


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Policies and StrategiesSolar <strong>Energy</strong>16. Provide incentives to promote the local production and use of solarsystems.Short Term20<strong>14</strong>-2017Implementation PlanMedium Term Long Term20<strong>14</strong>-2022 20<strong>14</strong>-203017. Undertake RD&D on solar technologies. 18. Facilitate generation of electricity from solar by among others, funding,setting aside land, fast-tracking issuance of permits and licences, as wellas acquisition of data and information so as to realise at least 100MWfrom solar by 2017, 200MW by 2022 and 500MW by 2030. 19. Promote installation of at least 200,000 units of solar PV home systemsby 2022.20. Develop a programme for raising awareness on requirements forconformity with mandatory regulations for solar water heating systemsand ensure installation at least 450,000 SWH units by 2022 and at least700,000 units by 2030.3.8 WIND ENERGY3.8.1 Background1. Wind energy uses naturally occurring energy of the wind for practical purposes like generatingelectricity, charging batteries, or pumping water. Large, modern wind turbines operate togetherin wind farms to produce electricity for utilities.2. Kenya has a proven wind energy potential of as high as 346 W/m2 and speeds of over 6m/s inparts of Marsabit, Kajiado, Laikipia, Meru, Nyandarua, Kilifi, Lamu, Isiolo Turkana, Samburu,Uasin Gishu Narok, Kiambu Counties among others. The Ministry of <strong>Energy</strong> developed a WindAtlas in 2008 with indicative data.3. To augment the information contained in the Wind Atlas, MoE, with the assistance ofDevelopment Partners on the one hand and KenGen have between them installed more than 60Wind Masts and Data Loggers in various counties across the country to collect site specific datawith a view to open up generation electricity from wind. Confirmed wind energy potential forselected areas are given in the Table 3.1.Table. 3.1: Average wind speed data for selected sitesSiteAverage Wind Speeds in m/sMay 2012 June 2012 June <strong>2013</strong> LTA1. Malindi* 7.28 7.53 8.92 7.162. Kinangop 6.59 5.99 5.35 7.013. Isiolo (Mugae) 9.12 10.45 10.66 7.734. Isiolo (Mweromalia) 12.73 13.62 13.92 9.2161 3.0 – RENEWABLE ENERGY

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