Testimonies for the Church Vol 1 - Lansing SDA Church

Testimonies for the Church Vol 1 - Lansing SDA Church

Testimonies for the Church Vol 1 - Lansing SDA Church


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Wives of Ministers 135yield to <strong>the</strong> wishes of <strong>the</strong>ir unconsecrated companions, <strong>the</strong> frown ofGod is brought upon <strong>the</strong> dwelling. The ark of God cannot abide in <strong>the</strong>house, because <strong>the</strong>y countenance and uphold <strong>the</strong>m in <strong>the</strong>ir wrongs. [140]Our God is a jealous God. It is a fearful thing to trifle with Him.Anciently, Achan coveted a golden wedge and a Babylonish garment,and secreted <strong>the</strong>m, and all Israel suffered; <strong>the</strong>y were driven be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>the</strong>irenemies. And when Joshua inquired <strong>the</strong> cause, <strong>the</strong> Lord said: “Up,sanctify <strong>the</strong> people, and say, Sanctify yourselves against tomorrow:<strong>for</strong> thus saith <strong>the</strong> Lord God of Israel, There is an accursed thing in<strong>the</strong> midst of <strong>the</strong>e, O Israel: thou canst not stand be<strong>for</strong>e thine enemies,until ye take away <strong>the</strong> accursed thing from among you.” Achan hadsinned, and God destroyed him and all his household, with all <strong>the</strong>ypossessed, and wiped <strong>the</strong> curse from Israel.I saw that <strong>the</strong> Israel of God must arise and renew <strong>the</strong>ir strength inGod by renewing and keeping <strong>the</strong>ir covenant with Him. Covetousness,selfishness, love of money, and love of <strong>the</strong> world, are all through<strong>the</strong> ranks of Sabbathkeepers. These evils are destroying <strong>the</strong> spirit ofsacrifice among God’s people. Those that have this covetousness in<strong>the</strong>ir hearts are not aware of it. It has gained upon <strong>the</strong>m imperceptibly,and unless it is rooted out, <strong>the</strong>ir destruction will be as sure as wasAchan’s. Many have taken <strong>the</strong> sacrifice from God’s altar. They love<strong>the</strong> world, love its gain and increase, and, unless <strong>the</strong>re is an entirechange in <strong>the</strong>m, <strong>the</strong>y will perish with <strong>the</strong> world. God has lent <strong>the</strong>mmeans; it is not <strong>the</strong>ir own, but God has made <strong>the</strong>m His stewards. Andbecause of this, <strong>the</strong>y call it <strong>the</strong>ir own and hoard it up. But, oh, howquick, when <strong>the</strong> prospering hand of God is removed from <strong>the</strong>m, itis all snatched away in a moment! There must be a sacrificing <strong>for</strong>God, a denying of self <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> truth’s sake. Oh, how weak and frail isman! How puny his arm! I saw that soon <strong>the</strong> loftiness of man is to bebrought down, and <strong>the</strong> pride of man humbled. Kings and nobles, richand poor, alike shall bow, and <strong>the</strong> wi<strong>the</strong>ring plagues of God shall fallupon <strong>the</strong>m. [141]

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