Testimonies for the Church Vol 1 - Lansing SDA Church

Testimonies for the Church Vol 1 - Lansing SDA Church

Testimonies for the Church Vol 1 - Lansing SDA Church


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Address to <strong>the</strong> Young 463to <strong>for</strong>get that by <strong>the</strong>ir words <strong>the</strong>y are to be justified or condemned.All should take heed to <strong>the</strong> words of our Saviour: “A good man outof <strong>the</strong> good treasure of <strong>the</strong> heart bringeth <strong>for</strong>th good things: and an [500]evil man out of <strong>the</strong> evil treasure bringeth <strong>for</strong>th evil things. But I sayunto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, <strong>the</strong>y shall giveaccount <strong>the</strong>reof in <strong>the</strong> day of judgment. For by thy words thou shaltbe justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” How littleregard is paid even to <strong>the</strong> instructions of <strong>the</strong> heavenly Teacher. Manyei<strong>the</strong>r do not study <strong>the</strong> word of God or do not heed its solemn truths,and <strong>the</strong>se plain truths will rise up in judgment and condemn <strong>the</strong>m.Words and acts testify plainly what is in <strong>the</strong> heart. If vanity andpride, love of self and love of dress, fill <strong>the</strong> heart, <strong>the</strong> conversation willbe upon <strong>the</strong> fashions, <strong>the</strong> dress, and <strong>the</strong> appearance, but not on Christor <strong>the</strong> kingdom of heaven. If envious feelings dwell in <strong>the</strong> heart, <strong>the</strong>ywill be manifested in words and acts. Those who measure <strong>the</strong>mselvesby o<strong>the</strong>rs, do as o<strong>the</strong>rs do, and make no higher attainments, excusing<strong>the</strong>mselves because of <strong>the</strong> faults and wrongs of o<strong>the</strong>rs, are feeding onhusks and will remain spiritual dwarfs as long as <strong>the</strong>y gratify Satanby thus indulging <strong>the</strong>ir own unconsecrated feelings. Some dwell uponwhat <strong>the</strong>y shall eat and drink, and wherewithal <strong>the</strong>y shall be clo<strong>the</strong>d.These thoughts flow out from <strong>the</strong> abundance of <strong>the</strong> heart, as thoughtemporal things were <strong>the</strong> grand aim in life, <strong>the</strong> highest attainment.These persons <strong>for</strong>get <strong>the</strong> words of Christ: “Seek ye first <strong>the</strong> kingdomof God, and His righteousness; and all <strong>the</strong>se things shall be added untoyou.”The youth have <strong>the</strong>ir hearts filled with <strong>the</strong> love of self. This ismanifested in <strong>the</strong>ir desire to see <strong>the</strong>ir faces daguerreotyped by <strong>the</strong>artist; and <strong>the</strong>y are not satisfied with being once represented, but sitagain and again <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir picture, each time hoping that <strong>the</strong> last willexcel all <strong>the</strong>ir previous ef<strong>for</strong>ts and appear really more beautiful than<strong>the</strong> original. Their Lord’s money is squandered in this way, and what isgained? Merely <strong>the</strong>ir poor shadow upon paper. The hours that shouldhave been devoted to prayer are occupied upon <strong>the</strong>ir own poor selves; [501]precious hours of probation are thus wasted.Satan is gratified to have <strong>the</strong> attention of youth attracted by anythingto divert <strong>the</strong>ir minds from God so that <strong>the</strong> deceiver can steal amarch upon <strong>the</strong>m and <strong>the</strong>y, unprepared <strong>for</strong> his attacks, be ensnared.They are not aware that <strong>the</strong> great heavenly Artist is taking cognizance

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