Testimonies for the Church Vol 1 - Lansing SDA Church

Testimonies for the Church Vol 1 - Lansing SDA Church

Testimonies for the Church Vol 1 - Lansing SDA Church


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Sympathy at Home 639love to God and gratitude of heart <strong>for</strong> all <strong>the</strong> blessings which your kindheavenly Fa<strong>the</strong>r has bestowed upon you. You see only <strong>the</strong> discom<strong>for</strong>tsof life. A worldly insanity shuts you in like heavy clouds of thickdarkness. Satan exults over you because you will have misery whenpeace and happiness are at your command.You listen to a discourse; <strong>the</strong> truth affects you, and <strong>the</strong> noblerpowers of your mind arouse to control your actions. You see how littleyou have sacrificed <strong>for</strong> God, how closely self has been cherished, andyou are swayed to <strong>the</strong> right by <strong>the</strong> influence of <strong>the</strong> truth; but whenyou pass from under this sacred, sanctifying, soothing influence, youdo not possess it in your own heart, and you soon fall into <strong>the</strong> samebarren, ungenial state of feeling. Work, work, you must work; brain,bone, and muscle are taxed to <strong>the</strong> utmost to get means which yourimagination tells you must be obtained, or want and starvation will beyour lot. This is a delusion of Satan, one of his wily snares to leadyou to perdition. “Sufficient unto <strong>the</strong> day is <strong>the</strong> evil <strong>the</strong>reof.” But youmake <strong>for</strong> yourself a time of trouble be<strong>for</strong>ehand.You have not faith and love and confidence in God. If you had,you would trust in Him. You worry yourself out of <strong>the</strong> arms of Christ,fearing that He will not care <strong>for</strong> you. Health is sacrificed. God is notglorified in your body and spirit, which are His. There is not a sweet,cheering home influence to soo<strong>the</strong> and counteract <strong>the</strong> evil which ispredominant in your nature. The high, noble powers of your mind areoverpowered by <strong>the</strong> lower organs; <strong>the</strong> evil traits of your character aredeveloped. [698]You are selfish, exacting, and overbearing. This ought not to be.Your salvation depends on your acting from principle—serving Godfrom principle, not from feeling, not from impulse. God will help youwhen you feel your need of help and set about <strong>the</strong> work with resolution,trusting in Him with all your heart. You are often discouraged withoutsufficient reason. You indulge feelings akin to hatred. Your likes anddislikes are strong. These you must restrain. Control <strong>the</strong> tongue. “Ifany man offend not in word, <strong>the</strong> same is a perfect man, and able alsoto bridle <strong>the</strong> whole body.” Help has been laid upon One that is mighty.He will be your strength and support, your front guard and rearward.What preparation are you making <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> better life? It is Satanwho makes you think that all your powers must be exercised to getalong in this world. You are fearing and trembling <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> future of

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