Testimonies for the Church Vol 1 - Lansing SDA Church

Testimonies for the Church Vol 1 - Lansing SDA Church

Testimonies for the Church Vol 1 - Lansing SDA Church


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644 <strong>Testimonies</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Church</strong> <strong>Vol</strong>ume 1[704]do <strong>for</strong> you that which He has left <strong>for</strong> you to do. Bro<strong>the</strong>r C deservespity. He has so long felt unhappy that life has become a burden tohim. It need not be thus. His imagination is diseased, and he has solong kept his eyes on <strong>the</strong> dark picture that if he meets with adversityor disappointment, he imagines that everything is going to ruin, tha<strong>the</strong> will come to want, that everything is against him, that he has <strong>the</strong>hardest time of anyone; and thus his life is made wretched. The morehe thinks thus, <strong>the</strong> more miserable he makes his life and <strong>the</strong> livesof all around him. He has no reason to feel as he does; it is all <strong>the</strong>work of Satan. He must not suffer <strong>the</strong> enemy thus to control his mind.He should turn away from <strong>the</strong> dark and gloomy picture to that of <strong>the</strong>loving Saviour, <strong>the</strong> glory of heaven, and <strong>the</strong> rich inheritance prepared<strong>for</strong> all who are humble and obedient, and who possess grateful heartsand abiding faith in <strong>the</strong> promises of God. This will cost him an ef<strong>for</strong>t,a struggle; but it must be done. Your present happiness and your future,eternal happiness depend upon your fixing your mind upon cheerfulthings, looking away from <strong>the</strong> dark picture, which is imaginary, to <strong>the</strong>benefits which God has strewn in your pathway, and beyond <strong>the</strong>se, to<strong>the</strong> unseen and eternal.You belong to a family who possess minds not well balanced,gloomy and depressed, affected by surroundings, and susceptible toinfluences. Unless you cultivate a cheerful, happy, grateful frame ofmind, Satan will eventually lead you captive at his will. You can be ahelp, a strength to <strong>the</strong> church where you reside, if you will obey <strong>the</strong>instructions of <strong>the</strong> Lord and not move by feeling, but be controlledby principle. Never allow censure to escape your lips, <strong>for</strong> it is likedesolating hail to those around you. Let cheerful, happy, loving wordsfall from your lips.Bro<strong>the</strong>r C, your organism is not <strong>the</strong> best <strong>for</strong> your spiritual advancement,yet <strong>the</strong> grace of God can do much to correct <strong>the</strong> defects in yourcharacter and streng<strong>the</strong>n and more perfectly develop those powers ofmind which are now weak and need <strong>for</strong>ce. In so doing you will bringinto control those lower qualities which have overpowered <strong>the</strong> higher.You are like a man whose sensibilities are benumbed. You need tohave <strong>the</strong> truth take hold of you and work a thorough re<strong>for</strong>mation inyour life. “Be not con<strong>for</strong>med to this world: but be ye trans<strong>for</strong>medby <strong>the</strong> renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good,and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” This is what you need, and

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