Testimonies for the Church Vol 1 - Lansing SDA Church

Testimonies for the Church Vol 1 - Lansing SDA Church

Testimonies for the Church Vol 1 - Lansing SDA Church


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Deceitfulness of Riches 497obtained, and upon <strong>the</strong> increase of it in <strong>the</strong>ir hands. As <strong>the</strong>se thingswere shown me, I could see <strong>the</strong> <strong>for</strong>ce of our Saviour’s words: “It iseasier <strong>for</strong> a camel to go through <strong>the</strong> eye of a needle, than <strong>for</strong> a richman to enter into <strong>the</strong> kingdom of God.” Those who possess <strong>the</strong> abilityto acquire property need to be constantly on <strong>the</strong> watch or <strong>the</strong>y willturn <strong>the</strong>ir acquisitiveness to bad account and not maintain strict honesty.Thus many fall into temptation, overreach, receive more <strong>for</strong> athing than it is worth, and sacrifice <strong>the</strong> generous, benevolent, nobleprinciples of <strong>the</strong>ir manhood <strong>for</strong> sordid gain.I was shown that many who profess to be Sabbathkeepers so love<strong>the</strong> world and <strong>the</strong> things that are in <strong>the</strong> world that <strong>the</strong>y have beencorrupted by its spirit and influence; <strong>the</strong> divine has disappeared from<strong>the</strong>ir characters and <strong>the</strong> satanic has crept in, trans<strong>for</strong>ming <strong>the</strong>m to serve<strong>the</strong> purposes of Satan, to be instruments of unrighteousness. Thenin contrast with <strong>the</strong>se men I was shown <strong>the</strong> industrious, honest, poormen who stand ready to help those who need help, who would ra<strong>the</strong>rsuffer <strong>the</strong>mselves to be disadvantaged by <strong>the</strong>ir wealthy brethren thanto manifest so close and acquisitive a spirit as <strong>the</strong>y manifest; men who [538]esteem a clear conscience and right, even in little things, of greatervalue than riches. They are so ready to help o<strong>the</strong>rs, so willing to do all<strong>the</strong> good in <strong>the</strong>ir power, that <strong>the</strong>y do not amass wealth; <strong>the</strong>ir earthlypossessions do not increase. If <strong>the</strong>re is a benevolent object to call<strong>for</strong>th means or labor, <strong>the</strong>y are <strong>the</strong> first to be interested in and respondto it, and frequently do far beyond <strong>the</strong>ir real ability, and thus deny<strong>the</strong>mselves some needed good, to carry out <strong>the</strong>ir benevolent purposes.Because <strong>the</strong>se men can boast of but little earthly treasure, <strong>the</strong>y maybe looked upon as deficient in ability, in judgment, and in wisdom.They may be counted of no special worth, and <strong>the</strong>ir influence maynot be esteemed by men; yet how does God regard <strong>the</strong>se poor wisemen? They are regarded precious in His sight, and, although notincreasing <strong>the</strong>ir treasure upon earth, <strong>the</strong>y are laying up <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>mselvesan incorruptible treasure in <strong>the</strong> heavens, and in doing this <strong>the</strong>y manifesta wisdom as far superior to that of <strong>the</strong> wise, calculating, acquisitiveprofessed Christian as <strong>the</strong> divine and godlike is superior to <strong>the</strong> earthly,carnal, and satanic. It is moral worth that God values. A Christiancharacter unblotted with avarice, possessing quietness, meekness, andhumility, is more precious in His sight than <strong>the</strong> most fine gold, even<strong>the</strong> golden wedge of Ophir.

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