Testimonies for the Church Vol 1 - Lansing SDA Church

Testimonies for the Church Vol 1 - Lansing SDA Church

Testimonies for the Church Vol 1 - Lansing SDA Church


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Slavery and <strong>the</strong> War 257hardened. His counselors and mighty men streng<strong>the</strong>ned <strong>the</strong>mselvesagainst God and endeavored to explain <strong>the</strong> plagues as <strong>the</strong> result ofnatural causes. Each visitation from God was more severe than <strong>the</strong>preceding one, yet <strong>the</strong>y would not release <strong>the</strong> children of Israel until<strong>the</strong> angel of <strong>the</strong> Lord slew <strong>the</strong> first-born of <strong>the</strong> Egyptians. From <strong>the</strong>king upon <strong>the</strong> throne down to <strong>the</strong> most humble and lowly, <strong>the</strong>re waswailing and mourning. Then Pharaoh commanded to let Israel go; butafter <strong>the</strong> Egyptians had buried <strong>the</strong>ir dead, he repented that he had letIsrael go. His counselors and mighty men tried to account <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>irbereavement. They would not admit that <strong>the</strong> visitation or judgmentwas from God, and <strong>the</strong>re<strong>for</strong>e <strong>the</strong>y pursued after <strong>the</strong> children of Israel.When <strong>the</strong> Israelites beheld <strong>the</strong> Egyptian host in pursuit, some uponhorses and some in chariots, and equipped <strong>for</strong> war, <strong>the</strong>ir hearts failed<strong>the</strong>m. The Red Sea was be<strong>for</strong>e, <strong>the</strong> Egyptian host behind. They couldsee no way of escape. A shout of triumph burst from <strong>the</strong> Egyptiansto find Israel completely in <strong>the</strong>ir power. The Israelites were greatlyterrified. But <strong>the</strong> Lord commanded Moses to bid <strong>the</strong>m go <strong>for</strong>ward, andto lift up <strong>the</strong> rod and stretch out his hand over <strong>the</strong> sea and divide it. Hedid so, and lo, <strong>the</strong> sea parted, and <strong>the</strong> children of Israel passed overdry shod. Pharaoh had so long withstood God, and hardened his heartagainst His mighty, wondrous works, that he in blindness rushed into<strong>the</strong> path which God had miraculously prepared <strong>for</strong> His people. AgainMoses was commanded to stretch <strong>for</strong>th his hand over <strong>the</strong> sea, “and <strong>the</strong> [266]sea returned to his strength,” and <strong>the</strong> waters covered <strong>the</strong> Egyptian host,and <strong>the</strong>y were drowned.This scene was presented be<strong>for</strong>e me to illustrate <strong>the</strong> selfish love ofslavery, and <strong>the</strong> desperate measures which <strong>the</strong> South would adopt tocherish <strong>the</strong> institution, and <strong>the</strong> dreadful lengths to which <strong>the</strong>y wouldgo be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>the</strong>y would yield. The system of slavery has reduced anddegraded human beings to <strong>the</strong> level of <strong>the</strong> brutes, and <strong>the</strong> majority ofslave masters regard <strong>the</strong>m as such. The consciences of <strong>the</strong>se mastershave become seared and hardened, as was Pharaoh’s; and if compelledto release <strong>the</strong>ir slaves, <strong>the</strong>ir principles remain unchanged, and <strong>the</strong>ywould make <strong>the</strong> slave feel <strong>the</strong>ir oppressive power if possible. It lookedto me like an impossibility now <strong>for</strong> slavery to be done away. Godalone can wrench <strong>the</strong> slave from <strong>the</strong> hand of his desperate, relentlessoppressor. All <strong>the</strong> abuse and cruelty exercised toward <strong>the</strong> slave is

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