Testimonies for the Church Vol 1 - Lansing SDA Church

Testimonies for the Church Vol 1 - Lansing SDA Church

Testimonies for the Church Vol 1 - Lansing SDA Church


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Marriage and Subsequent Labors 77answer came: “These are <strong>the</strong>y which came out of great tribulation,and have washed <strong>the</strong>ir robes, and made <strong>the</strong>m white in <strong>the</strong> blood of <strong>the</strong>Lamb.”When we began to present <strong>the</strong> light on <strong>the</strong> Sabbath question, wehad no clearly defined idea of <strong>the</strong> third angel’s message of Revelation14:9-12. The burden of our testimony as we came be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>the</strong> peoplewas that <strong>the</strong> great second advent movement was of God, that <strong>the</strong> firstand second messages had gone <strong>for</strong>th, and that <strong>the</strong> third was to be given. [79]We saw that <strong>the</strong> third message closed with <strong>the</strong> words: “Here is <strong>the</strong>patience of <strong>the</strong> saints: here are <strong>the</strong>y that keep <strong>the</strong> commandments ofGod, and <strong>the</strong> faith of Jesus.” And we as clearly saw as we now see that<strong>the</strong>se prophetic words suggested a Sabbath re<strong>for</strong>m; but as to what <strong>the</strong>worship of <strong>the</strong> beast mentioned in <strong>the</strong> message was, or what <strong>the</strong> imageand <strong>the</strong> mark of <strong>the</strong> beast were, we had no defined position.God by His Holy Spirit let light shine <strong>for</strong>th upon His servants, and<strong>the</strong> subject gradually opened to <strong>the</strong>ir minds. It required much studyand anxious care to search it out, link after link. By care, anxiety, andincessant labor has <strong>the</strong> work moved on until <strong>the</strong> great truths of ourmessage, a clear, connected, perfect whole, have been given to <strong>the</strong>world.I have already spoken of my acquaintance with Elder Bates. Ifound him to be a true Christian gentleman, courteous and kind. Hetreated me as tenderly as though I were his own child. The first timehe heard me speak, he manifested deep interest. After I had ceasedspeaking, he arose and said: “I am a doubting Thomas. I do not believein visions. But if I could believe that <strong>the</strong> testimony <strong>the</strong> sister has relatedtonight was indeed <strong>the</strong> voice of God to us, I should be <strong>the</strong> happiestman alive. My heart is deeply moved. I believe <strong>the</strong> speaker to besincere, but cannot explain in regard to her being shown <strong>the</strong> wonderfulthings she has related to us.”A few months after my marriage, I attended, with my husband, aConference at Topsham, Maine, at which Elder Bates was present. Hedid not <strong>the</strong>n fully believe that my visions were of God. That meetingwas a season of much interest. The Spirit of God rested upon me; Iwas wrapped in a vision of God’s glory, and <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> first time had aview of o<strong>the</strong>r planets. After I came out of vision, I related what I hadseen. Elder B. <strong>the</strong>n asked if I had studied astronomy. I told him I hadno recollection of ever looking into an astronomy. Said he: “This is of [80]

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