Backbiting - Islamic School System - Dawat-e-Islami

Backbiting - Islamic School System - Dawat-e-Islami

Backbiting - Islamic School System - Dawat-e-Islami


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‏َع‏ِهَ<strong>Backbiting</strong> – A Cancer in our Society 131Answer: Recite Ṣalāt-‘Alan-Nabī in abundance at all times, except at night and at thetime of going to bed. Especially, read the following Ṣalāt-‘Alan-Nabī 100 times or asmuch as a possible after Ṣalāt-ul-‘Ishā:ۡ عَلَيَنُّصَ‏ ِّ'ٰاَنٰۡ عَ‏صَ‏ َّ ا‎1‎ ُٰجَسَٰ عَ‏ٰ عَ‏ٰ عَ‏جَسَٰ عَ‏صَ‏ لِّ‏ اَللهُ‏ مَّ‏ۡۡۡ ٰۡۡ‏ِّدِنَا محُ‏ ‏َمَّ‏ ‏د كَمَا اَمَرتَنَاسَ‏ يصَ‏ لِّ‏ اَللهُمَّ‏‏ِّدِنَا محُ‏ ‏َمَّ‏ ‏د كَمَا هُ‏ ‏َو اَه لُهُ‏سَ‏ يصَ‏ لِّ‏ اَللهُمَّ‏لَهُ‏‏ِّدِنَا محُ‏ ‏َمَّ‏ ‏د كَمَا تحُ‏ ‏ِبُّ‏ ‏َوتَر سَ‏ يصَ‏ لِّ‏ اَللهُمَّ‏‏ِّدِنَا محُ‏ ‏َمَّ‏ ‏د ‏ِفى الاۡ‏ ‏َروَا ‏ِحصَ‏ لِّ‏ عَ‏ رُ‏ وۡ‏ ‏ِح سَ‏ ياَللهُ‏ مَّ‏‏ِّدِنَا محُ‏ ‏َمَّ‏ ‏د ‏ِفى الاۡ‏ ‏َج سَ‏ ا ‏ِد‏ِد سَ‏ يصَ‏ لِّ‏ اَللهُمَّ‏‏ِّدِنَاسَ‏ ي‏ِّدِنَا محُ‏ ‏َمَّ‏ ‏د ‏ِفى الۡقُبُو ‏ِر ‏ِد سَ‏ ي‏َومَ‏ ۡ ولٰنَا محُ‏ ‏َمَّ‏ ‏دصَ‏ َّ! االلهُ‏ تَعَالىٰ‏ ‏َلَيْهِ‏ وَاٰلِهٖ‏ وَسَلَّم There are no better phrases [of Ṣalāt-‘Alan-Nabī] to see the Holy Prophetbut read them with a sincere intention, holding his personality in high esteem. Do notتَعَالىٰ‏ ‏َلَيْهِ‏ وَاٰلِهٖ‏ give any room in your intention to the see the Noble Prophet[remember] his compassion is abundant and has no boundaries.Firāq-o-waṣl cheĥ khawāĥī rizā-ay dost ṭalabKeĥ ḥayf bāshad az wa-ghayr-e-aūtamannāyīProximity or distances are no concern!If you intend your beloved’s approval,Then if you demand anything else, that is blameful•Jalwaĥ-e-yār idĥar bĥī koī pĥayrā tayrāḤasratayn āṫĥ paĥar taktī ĥayn rastaĥ tayrāMay you glance at me and I see your sightEyes are yearning for a glimpse, day and nightY َ ُa ٰ َ< ٰ Mََُ ا‎J K َ Lۡ2ِbَ َ اZ‏ۡ‏]^ ۡ ا < َLوَسَلَّمُand صَ‏ !َّ االله

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