Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia


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we have arrived to the conclusion that it is notpossible to be honourable if we don’t gosometimes beyond justice.” (Agnes Heller.“Más allá de la justicia”, p. 343).That is why we consider that the structuraland substantial reforms in Cuba will not bedeep and lasting and will not reach thepurposes of freedom, justice and peace if theatmosphere among the diversity of Cubans isnot changed. It is necessary and urgent thechange in civic habitat and going from asociety which is falsely united to a society thatcan look itself in the mirror and recognizeitself the way it is: diverse, soundlydisagreeing, stubbornly inclusive. It isnecessary to go from a climate of “necessaryenemies” inside the same national communityto a new air where all of us can breathewithout the need of turning into traitors orenemies the ones who think, act or believedifferently and pacifically. It is also necessarythat civil society banishes the disqualifyingmentality, language and methods to supportits proposals. Without this change in civichabitat we will not reach the other changesthat the majority of the Cuban nation longsfor.Let’s see two examples, using our capacity tosee the future, supposing we have not lost it:1. Economic reforms or changes in CubaA vision of the future: let’s imagine thatthose changes which until now have notmodified the essence of the centralizedsocialist system, would transform graduallythe State paternalist economy into a marketeconomy liberating really and effectively theproductive forces of the whole society andreleasing the enterprising initiative of Cubans,women and men, from here and the Diaspora.Some positive results: The economic lawsstart being respected, the self-managedproductive forces are untied, the marketproduces results, and the life of Cubans,women and men, can have a sustainablemeaning and they stay in Cuba. Every personcan freely choose his family, economic andprofessional life project. Initiative and privateproperty guarantee a more prosperous lifeand prevent paternalism and State totalitariancontrol.Negative limitations and dynamics: If civicfriendship is not promoted the economy turnsdehumanizing inequality. The marketeconomic laws, without the necessaryregulations reached by consensus can turn theCuban society into a ferocious jungle. Iffreedom is not well used man can turn into awolf for man as the State has also become.The savage competence without humanismcan maintain and increase the climate ofhostility, exasperation and ruthless attacksamong Cubans. The insatiable and soullesscareer for markets and profits can create aclimate where people cannot live; just as it isnow but with different signs and colors.Proposals for an economic change ashuman as possible: The promotion of civicfriendship through an education system thatcultivates fraternity and solidarity amongCubans, women and men, as most of ourpeople has shown inside and outside theIsland, can moderate, regulate and create aclimate of civic coexistence that helps to build,among all of us, an open and efficient socialmarket economy being subsidiary andsupportive. Other more specific proposalscould be: the promotion of the ethical banking,the enterprises with social responsibility, thesmall and middle enterprise, cooperatives ofall kinds and the conscious taxation as a wayof responsibility toward the common good; ina word, to educate for freedom withresponsibility.2. Political reforms or changes in CubaA vision of the future: Let’s imagine that,using common sense and responsibility overthe life of citizens and in order to preventincreasing violence and poverty, the politicalchanges start and put Cuba in the place ofmodern nations; the stable legal frameworkthat recognizes and protects pluralism whichis inherent in every society, is created; thethree steps of a political change are taken: thesteps that place the sovereignty and theindependence of Cuba and Cubans on a parwith the globalization of solidarity andprosperity, that is: One: the acknowledgementand the legal protection of diversity throughthe decriminalization of discrepancy. Two: theacknowledgement and the legal protection ofthe inclusion of all pacific political proposalsthat accept the democratic alternation limitedEdiciones <strong>Convivencia</strong>Pinar del Río. 2012104

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