Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia


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one ideology. To use persons to see if aneconomic plan or some political guidelineswork is a human and moral damage and it’scivically unacceptable.It is, at least, a serious irresponsibility toexperience an “updating” in order to achieveefficiency against social justice and inclusionof the different ones in order to see if apolitical system can be saved; a politicalsystem which has been showed not to beeffective, or egalitarian or fraternal and muchless liberating.Persons can become citizens and not subjectsonly if all their inalienable rights, not onlyeconomic and social but civil, political andcultural rights are recognized and respected ina frame of legality that should not hidepolitical repression by saying that it is fightingsome supposed common crimes. A frame oflegality that should recognize and defend inCuba what the government in Cuba demandsto be respected in other countries.If repression doesn’t stop there is noupdating of any projectAs usual, we not only analyze the existentreality but we now go to propose somesolutions in accordance with our condition ofCuban citizens:So that a country “normalizes” its model allarbitrary detentions must stop even the onesthat last a short time, also the threatstransmitted during supposed friendlyconversations, the pressure in the veryworkplaces and schools, the unofficial visitsby officers wearing civil clothes who don’t givetheir true names or show their identity papersclearly or present a court order, that is, theones who implement what we call aclandestine repression against pacific personswho show their faces, their identity cards,their residence and their project for Cuba inan honest and transparent way. These illegalmethods even in the very existing legality, riskthe citizen stability, tense the situation, give anegative image of Cuba abroad and slid theCountry down a dangerous slope. We are surethat the highest responsible ones will stopthese illicit methods for the sake of Cuba.So that Cuba should be more respected andmore integrated to the community of nationsall disqualifying language to other Cubancitizens must stop either on the streets or inthe press and television: to categorize everydissenting person with degrading epithetssuch as “warm”, “unpatriotic”, “mercenary”,“CIA agent”, lackey at the service of a foreigncountry” “traitor to the Country”. Theseepithets were already used during decades inthe repudiation of the ones who were livingthe Country and suddenly there was an orderand a conference about the Nation and theEmigration and it was enough to turn thosewarms into “butterflies”, that is, they became“the Cuban community abroad”. This is anexample of what should be done to keep theunity of the Nation. Why should we repeathistory after we have realized its failure andits negative ethics?So that Cuba should be a “normal” Nation therepudiation acts must stop immediately andforever. The usage of some Cubans againstother Cubans, of some neighbours againstother neighbours who are led or at leastallowed by the authorities who should keeppeace and citizen tranquillity must stop.Those things must be legally punishable andmorally reprehensible. Otherwise we aresowing rambles to reap thorns in the future.This does not help unity in diversity ornational reconciliation.So that unity in diversity can be constructed,all Cubans, with no exception, above all, theones who hold some civil, political andreligious responsibility and all who exercisethe service of order and citizen tranquillityshould ask ourselves and answer ourselveshonestly this question: How is it possible totalk about, to think about, to promote andclaim a national reconciliation withouteradicating, condemn and punish all acts ofpolitical repudiation to pacific personswhether these actions might be spontaneousclashes or organized or allowed and guardedby security and order guards?So that Cuba should achieve a soundintegration to the international communitykeeping its independence and its sovereigntywe should ask ourselves and answer withspecific measures and urgent reforms: Howcan be officially used in the structures of StateEdiciones <strong>Convivencia</strong>Pinar del Río. 2012122

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