Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia


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everlasting projects shall be never soughtagain. Democracy is the art of sizing up withno improvisation or opportunism and withoutunethical pragmatism. And the sizing upmeans not to tie up ourselves or the Nation toany exclusive political, economic or socialproject and in no way to one project whichconsiders itself the Kingdom of Heaven hereon this Earth.What Cuba needs is to learn how to do thenational puzzle patiently without rejecting,disqualifying or destroying any of its “pieces”which are not pieces but free and responsiblecitizens or pacific and not sectarian groups;protagonists and projects should not either beconsidered as pieces of a machinerymanipulated by only one group or person whobelieve without transparency that they will beable to lead the people-flock toward a futurewhich is being “cooked” in the backyard of theNation.What Cuba needs is to create viable and pluralthought in order to start conceiving its ownfuture consistent with and faithful to itshistoric roots, its cultural patrimony, itsspirituality and its idiosyncrasy.What Cuba has gotThis is not the space to catalogue a list ofsocial actors, programs and thought creators.It would be a laudable project to make this listand make it as inclusive as possible withoutthe influence of sectarian ideologies but wewill mention only some examples inside theIsland and in the Diaspora for those who don’tbelieve if they don’t “touch” reality:Some thought creators for the future inCuba: The universities in Cuba and abroadwhere scholars who study Cuba in theDiaspora teach and publish, for example:Georgetown, Pittsburgh, Harvard, Princeton,Yale and Michigan Universities, FloridaInternational University, Miami Dade College,among others; study or investigation Centersfrom the Academy of Sciences, the Academyof Languages and the Academy of History; SanJerónimo College in Havana with its masterlyconferences; Inter American Dialogue inWashington, Cuban Consensus with more than30 groups from the Diaspora, the group ofUniversity students of Cuban origin namedHope Roots and other groups which deal withscientific, social and literary studies aboutregional policies or about economic and socialpolicies; they belong to the Cuban State or tothe exile. University professors, economists,sociologists, anthropologists, historians andother specialists who have devoted part ortheir whole lives to studying and proposingthought for the future in Cuba in differentgeographic and philosophical shores.Other thought creators are the differentspaces for study and reflection sponsored byChurches and fraternal Associations: CatholicSocial Weeks (1991-2011), Centro deReflexión y Diálogo (Center for Reflection andDialogue) in Cárdenas, Martin Luther KingCenter, the Civic and Religious EducationCenter in Pinar del Río (1993-2007) with itseducative, economic and information societythought itineraries; Enrique Pérez SerantesInstitute in Santiago de Cuba; Janssen Institutein Holguín, Study Center in Santa ClaraDiocese, Aula Fray Bartolomé de Las Casasand Dominican Fathers Center in Havana; FélixVarela Cultural Center in Havana, John Paul IIBioethics Center; Protestant Seminar ofMatanzas, Masonic Study Higher Center,Yorubá Association of Cuba, Summer Schoolsfor Educators, María Reina Institute belongingto Jesuit Fathers and other Centers fromreligious orders such as the Pious Schools, thePassionists, the Salecians and some others.Besides we must bear in mind all the officialor independent publications which arethought hatcheries devoted to creatingproposals and perspectives on the future forCuba; Catholic magazines and magazinesfrom other denomination and associations forexample, Vivarium, Palabra Nueva, Espacio,Bifronte, Espacio Laical, Vitral, Enfoques,Cocuyo, Amanecer, Iglesia en Marcha.We should also mention the civic publicationsand encounters such as the Cuba EconomyStudy Association (ASCE), Cuba Study Institute(IEC), Cuba Study Group, Latin AmericanStudies Association (LASA); Socialist Trend,Studies, Consensus, Cuban Institute ofIndependent Economists, Social Study Centerand other spaces and Cuba study centersinside Cuba and in United States universities,Latin America, Spain and other academies; aswell as the socio cultural magazines such asCriterio, Temas, Caimán Barbudo, Catauro, La116

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