Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia


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changed. But everything could start changingif the citizens educate ourselves civically andlegally and use those tools to demand theright to democracy. When this starts tohappen, the short-sighted evaluations willstop and also the conspiratorial delays andthe connivance between the economic orcommercial convenience and the agonizingsearch for undecipherable signs of asubstantial change that does not exist. Itwon’t be necessary anymore to scrutinize inan incessant discernment, with a magnifyingglass and gestures, in order to decipher thequestion if things are changing in Cuba. Allof us will be able to see it in daylight andwith the indelible and clear letters of a legalframework internationally guaranteed andaccompanied.To ratify the Covenants on Human Rights is aduty of governability.Cuba needs it urgently.Pinar del Río, October 20 th 2010.Day of the Cuban Culture.Ediciones <strong>Convivencia</strong>Pinar del Río. 201275

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